• @tanza:

    Has she always been that nasty when in season? If so, you might want to ask Carol Ann about getting her spayed….

    Aside from a little grumpiness she has never been nasty when she's in season before…and we thought the same thing, the spay has been scheduled.

  • @Nexa:

    Aside from a little grumpiness she has never been nasty when she's in season before…and we thought the same thing, the spay has been scheduled.

    Have you had her Thyroid check?

  • I do hope all is well and fingers and hands are all right

    Rita Jean

  • @Nexa:

    The pack dynamic in our house is pretty simple: Our female Nexa can do whatever she wants whenever she wants to. If she wants to grumble at Leo she does. Our male Leo is not to retaliate at all to Nexa. The second he does it escalates, although usually it's not a big deal. Leo is pretty laid back so most of the time this works out just fine.

    I'm sorry to hear about the fight - a bad fight is always a little scary and unnerving. Glad Leo is ok.

    FWIW, it sounds like your pack dynamic is very much on point to what mine is - so I can relate :rolleyes:. In my house, Ruby rules the roost. Ruby is exactly the same way with Brando…thankfully, Brando is like Leo - laid back - until he can't take Ruby's crap anymore. In my case though, Ruby is spayed and Brando is intact.

    Additionally I have the added excitement of Ruby defending Aaliyah when Liyah and Brando have a squabble. Any noise from Liyah and Ruby is right on the spot to see if Liyah needs any help - Ruby sees it as her opportunity to get after Brando. When that happens, I usually intervene - I don't care if Liyah and Brando try to work out their difference, but I don't want Ruby using it to take a pot shot at Brando.

    Liyah is due to go into heat any time now. Obviously I won't be seeing if Liyah is nasty to Brando, but I'll be curious to see if she is nasty to Ruby. Up to this point, Liyah has never ever talked back to Ruby - no matter how harsh Ruby's correction, so I'm hopeful that she continues to respect her when the heat begins. I will say that if she goes off on Ruby, it won't be good - so I'll be watching that dynamic carefully. Your post is a good reminder of that, so thank you!

  • Yikes. Glad everyone's ok. Hope Leo heals up nicely and Nexa calms down so she can play with her brother again. Maybe they just need some delicious yogurt bones! 😉

    Keep us posted about their "cooling off" period and how it's working…

  • Leo is out for a walk right now with my wife and Nexa is inside with me. She baroo's all the time, but she just started the fire engine yodel. WOW is that loud. She's never done it before. I think she's ready for her walk!

  • Houston

    Gosh, I wished Otis barooed..barely a peep comes out of him…very faint "yawn yodels" sometimes and he cries if I live with one dogon a walk and he is not coming along..(I walk my three dogs independantly, so they can enjoy their walk with mommy.)

  • Buddy baroos really loud at the dog park at people sometimes with their dog's ball in his mouth.

  • Dan,

    That's super funny. It's like he's saying, "LOOK!!! Nyah Nyah, gotchyer ball!"

  • @EskiLovr:


    That's super funny. It's like he's saying, "LOOK!!! Nyah Nyah, gotchyer ball!"

    He's a real clown at the dog park. Makes everybody laugh and wonder how he runs and runs and runs tiring out their dogs.:D

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