• Tillo's is 120x90x90 cm. But Tillo likes to move around, reposition and have his legs all stretched out and in weird positions. We don't use it anymore btw.. Tillo likes it better when he's loose and can decide for himself what's comfortable and safe. :rolleyes:

  • A large crate. I use a Vari Kennel 400. 36"X24"X27"

  • @Janneke:

    Tillo likes it better when he's loose and can decide for himself what's comfortable and safe. :rolleyes:

    all basenjis do, but a lot of owners disagree with the basenjis opinion of safety and design 😃

    my dogs dont go in crates also, except for when I have one in season then I have to crate sometimes one or 2 dogs ( most of the time the female in season , they really want that then, I think because it is natural for a female to have a hole where the other cant come in that time )

  • @nobarkus:

    A large crate. I use a Vari Kennel 400. 36"X24"X27"

    yes that is about the size I have for my basenjis 🙂

  • First Basenji's


    A large crate. I use a Vari Kennel 400. 36"X24"X27"

    Cody's crate is about the same size, but it's the wire kind.

  • That is the same one we have for Jaycee. She only sleeps in it but we did have to leave her alone once for about one hour and we put her in it.

    Rita Jean

  • Houston

    Otis have that same size, but his is also the wire kind.
    He crates great, if needed, but loves to sleep in it at night with the door open. None of my other dogs have even stepped paw in the crate, they know it as his room.

  • @Fibula:

    Hi all,

    I'm going to have a Basenji soon (more or less, still some months to wait 😉 )
    I think a dog crate could come in handy some times, but I'm not sure wich size could be suitable. The dog should not be caged for hours, but it should be comfortable.
    Can you give me some advices?

    I have three basenji'sj, One crate, wire, no soild sides, when Belle was pup, 8 weeks she sleep with us, when she started taking over our bed, we moved her into the crate in our kitchen, we stuffed it with towels, fuffy bed and covered it with a sheet for a cave experience, she loved it and went to bed on her own all the time. The new boys took the crate over, she sleeps by herself.
    Just go bigger, if your in Houston, Arnies has the best prices on large crates and very helpful.

    Good luck,

  • I prefer the enclosed plastic crate vs the wire because any accidents stay inside and there's a gutter that runs along the inside perimeter for urine to go to. Buddy once had bad diarrhea in the crate and if it had been a wire crate it would have gotten all around the outside of the crate in the house. A male can lift his leg on the sides and pee right outside of the wire crate. Plus the plastic crate can be used outside in the summer as a dog house.

  • Both my boys have been resues so I didn't know much about their crate training. I was told they both were crate-trained! Neither liked it at all!! I used both wire and plastic and both boys managed to escape, the little devils. However, when I came home to find them escaped they were just happy I was home and had not gotten into any trouble, i.e. shredded furniture, clothing, etc.(of course the trashcans are always up). After that I just left/leave him out all day while I'm at work. No worries. Should I knock on wood now?? Take all said with the proverbial grain of salt, I've never had a puppy!!!

  • thanx for your answers. I think I'll try a wire crate with 926368 cm. Covered up with a blanket and cushioned it should feel like a comfortable cave. I hope the puppy will accept the crate as a refuge and fine place to sleep.

    But you never know 😉

  • Houston

    I think as long as it is a puppy and you make the "cave" a happy place to be, they will learn to go in and actually want to hang in there. Make it matter of fact, not optional.

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