2 Peas in a Pod
Shi & Mick Late Summer 2009
Awww… sweetness!
Very cute.
Rita Jean
Awwww. super cute.
Aw very cute! Especially the first pic. I really like to see two curly tails walking together!
I love how their tails curl in opposite directions! Very cool.
Awe! That's so sweet!
Great pics, they look great together!
The first pic is so cute..not that the second one isn't..but the tails, they always get me..
What beautiful faces :)
Very cute pics! I have tried using that lead with Duke and Daisy. It was a disaster because they pulled so hard, got themselves all tangled up - then started fighting with each other. The power of the two of them dragging me … what a sight! :eek:
Lucky you for having two with good manners. :)