Dear UK & Scots members, a plea
I also live in Scotland, although on the West Coast. It's only 2 hours from Edinburgh. We have 4 Bs here with us and you are more than welcome to come and visit. You can access all the Scottish Islands from here and do some great sight seeing (and B walking if you fancy it!)
I will also be at the Hound Assoc Open Show. Was only going to enter 1 dog but if you fancy handling for me I could take 2 ?? :) -
Hi lauren,
i live in Lancashire, a long way from Scotland but hopefuly we can meet at one of the shows. We are hoping to get to the Northern Basenji show. At present we dont have a Basenji but are hoping to get another one soon.
I have enjoyed the threads about Lycia and Tillo, its amazing what people will do to help each other. -
Lauren, needless to say I am far from Scotland ( in Houston, TX) but wanted to wish you a safe trip and good, swift time finding the perfect flat and all.
Oh, Edinburgh, I am soo jealous.
Coming to Edinburgh tomorrrrrrow!!
I'm terribly excited … ok almost "terribly" since I dont have a flat yet, hehe, but still quite thrilled to be finally coming ! Can't wait to meet you all.
Best Wishes and see you guys soon !
Welcome! And you have brought the good weather with you! if you need a hand with anything while you are settling in let me know - are we allowed to give out email addresses on forums? If you go to the Scottish Dobermann Club website ( my contact details are still showing on the Committee page (even though i came off committee in March…:confused:)
I wish you a very good flight Lauren !!
Well Thank you ALL for all the warm wishes.
I did indeed arrive safe and sound… but homeless. Hhee. Oh yes, all my nicely made plans gone! ;) So I will be running about like a mad person trying to get something lined up, not exactly what I envisioned a week before school is starting. I'll try to be in touch as soon as I can.
Lauren -
Well, for this evening, I have managed to find a friend of a friend's floor to sleep on. After Friday, who knows!?
Ahh ok hopefully you will find something before Friday then.
Wow, Lauren..I wish you the best of luck to find something quickly and troublefree.
No worries guys!! I think it's all a part of being a student once more. =) I'm not too worried, well not yet at least. Thanks for all the well wishes.
I do have one question, perhaps someone could enlighten me on..Is is terribly difficult to let a flat with a dog here in Scotland ? I never ran into much trouble in Switzerland and France, but I'm a little out of my element at the moment.