Prospective new Basenji parents
Oh, how exciting…A girly little puppy...I will keep my fingers crossed you find the perfect little girl..or boy if things go that way.
Thank you everyone for your comments, hubby isnt to keen on a Pink collar though :)
A camo collar sounds nice Rita Jean :)
There are so many pretty martingale collars and then sweaters, jammies, coats. I only have one girlie girl who loves wearing coats and sweaters but she has a nice little wardrobe. Of course they don't have to be girls to love dressing up, Blaze, one of the boys from this year's litter, loves getting dressed up for going out. Emma makes sure he has a fashionable winter wardrobe.
How exciting Thunderbird - I hope you get the little girl you are hoping for. :) maybe you can slide the pink by the hubby in the camo. ;)
I have to laugh about the girly girl posts - Liyah is such a tomboy but I've had beautiful silk floral martingale collars made to give her just a touch of femininity. Hey, she can't tell. I'm sure she would prefer skull and crossbones.
Im really pleased for you Shelley, hope you get your girl soon. Will we be able to tempt you out to join us at a few shows?
Thanks everyone for sharing our excitment :D
Scott i dont think we will show, i couldn't stand the pressure, but if its allowed we would like to attend shows as spectators and perhaps bring our baby to meet everyone.
Re Dog clothes, our last Basenji used to have a wax jacket and a jumper which he enjoyed wearing in cold weather. Trouble was when he had it on it must have done something for our other Dog and he kept trying naughty things, lol.:D -
Thanks Steve, just a matter of waiting to hear from the breeder now. She will be a great Christmas pressie, probs a late one.
:D:D:D Quite true about the Christmas tree Rita Jean. Our lives are so easy at the moment with just our big old dog Max and the cats, we can leave pens, glasses phones lying around, what bliss. Oh and we can go through the gate at our leisure.
When i'm telling people we are getting a Basenji and describe what they are like i can see that their thinking why? :D -
That's ok who wants life to be easy and nothing ever happening?????? Yes we now have three gates and tons more fun and laughing. Out ten year old shiba has even got up and is now playing more and running around like she is a pup she don't run as long but that is a good thing for us.
The phones and cell phones we have to really really watch or they are gone. The tv remote was gone once but Jaycee got a treat for that beacuse my husband watch's to much tv anyway and this away it was a whole lot harded but we found it the next day.
We have learned whats Jaycee's is Jaycee's whats ours is Jaycee's and anything else is Jaycee's.Rita Jean