• LOL. fortunately my cats dont pee in their carrier, but last time it took all dogs & cats to the kennel/cattery we use while we were at Crufts, i had to sit the cat carrier in the front seat as the back was full of dogs. every time i tried to change gear they stuck a paw through the door and scratched me. I ended up trying to turn corners in 4th gear just to avoid another scratch - they really dont like being in there..and being siamese, the language they were using was unbelievable - swearing at me for the whole journey lol.

  • Jerry has had his final checkup today, he's fine and just needs to re grow his whiskers on that side. I can see a few poking through now.
    Thank you to everyone for your posts regarding him.
    Scott thats hilarious about your cats, i can just imagine the scenario

  • Houston

    Good to hear that Jerry is doing swell..

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