• Welcome to forums.

  • Houston

    Welcome to the forum, you will love the wealth of knowledge available right at your finger tips

  • Welcome to the pack!

  • Welcome fellow old time Basenji person. We'd like to hear some old stories as well as new stuff. I started in 75 with my first and I still learn new things.

  • Welcome Steve, You can help all of us new one's that have our first baby.

    Rita Jean

  • Welcome to the forum! 🙂

  • Welcome Steve,

    Will you be at Alconbury on Sunday?

  • Hi Patty,

    Yes I will be there for the committee meeting. I am driving up with Lisa, as we live quite close.

    See you Sunday.


    Ps. These forums are fun, working out who you are talking to!

  • @nobarkus:

    Welcome fellow old time Basenji person. We'd like to hear some old stories as well as new stuff. I started in 75 with my first and I still learn new things.

    Hi Nobarkus,

    I started all be it ring side in 76 and then worked up showing and eventually judging. I will try to remember some of the interesting old stuff but it may difficult without being libellous!


  • Welcome Steve, I'm pretty new to this forum too, (just taking a sneaky peek now while I'm supposed to be working, well it was down at the weekend!)

  • Your so good at multitasking I sure you can work and forum at the same time! With me it’s a different matter!


  • Welcome to the forum Steve, it's great here,

  • Thanks to everyone for the warm welcome.


  • @thunderbird8588:

    Welcome to the forum Steve, it's great here,

    Hi Shelley,

    Good luck in your search for a pup, if you need any advice/reassurance regarding breeders etc. I am happy to help, as I have been though the same process over the past few years and I have a little inside and impartial information, not being a current breeder.


  • Steve,
    any advice regarding breeders would be very welcome. I have never purchased a Dog from a breeder before, Benji was a rescue.
    I am hoping to get a Pup simply as a Pet. Hoping to get to Blackpool in July to see the Basenjis,

  • Shelley,

    Advice will be easier face to face, if you are going to Blackpool, look me out on the benches. I will be showing Woodella Northern Delight of Jisgard. Blackpool should be a great place for you to look at the breed and it is a debut show for many of the current crop of puppies. Windsor Championship show is on the following Friday if that's any closer for you. Let me know if you need any details of these shows or others.

    It will help to buy a catalogue at the show (5.00 pounds on the day at Blackpool) and then you will be able to match up names you know from the forum or web etc. with numbers on the benches and the exhibitors and breeders owning the dogs.

    My advice is to place an order early with a breeder you are happy with as very few litters are bred per year. There were only four litters that I am aware of in the UK when I was looking in December 2008 and breeders will hold back on their breeding plans until they have firm orders.

    In my opinion the temperament of the breed is better now than it has ever been in the past. If you are looking for a pet this will be of optimal importance, but you should also familiarise yourself with Fanconi syndrome in Basenjis and only consider breeders who screen for this condition. There are only a few people who do not and the tide is turning. In my option it is just not worth the risk of loosing a young dog to this condition when we now have the tools to avoid it and eradicate from the breed, so please ask this about this, before selecting a breeder.

    If I can be of any be of any further assistance I am happy to help.


  • Hi Steve,
    thanks for your advise, hope to meet you at Blackpool.
    I am totaly green when it comes to shows and have to ask you what are Benches please?

  • Hi Steve and welcome to the forum.


    Your so good at multitasking I sure you can work and forum at the same time! With me it?s a different matter!


    I too can multi-task (sitting at my work comp now). I think it's a female thing!! 😃 (Oops, maybe I just started something here!)

    Looking forward to seeing you at Blackpool. 🙂


  • @thunderbird8588:

    Hi Steve,
    thanks for your advise, hope to meet you at Blackpool.
    I am totaly green when it comes to shows and have to ask you what are Benches please?

    Hi Shelley. The 'benches' are where we keep the dogs when we are not in the show ring. Each 'bench' has a number which corresponds to the dogs number in the ring. These numbers can be found in the catalogue, which as Jisgard says can be purchased at the entrance to the show. When you arrive at the show there should be a steward who you can ask to point you in the directions of the Bs.

    Looking forward to meeting you.


  • Hi Vicky,

    I’m having trouble with single tasking at the moment!

    Does anyone know why some characters in my posts keep coming out as question marks?

    Is it because I paste them in from Word? The posts are ok when I paste them in, but when I look back they have changed, It’s driving me mad!


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