Our B lets us know if he needs to go out

  • I am always suprised when my 2 b's want to be walked to "do their business" given they have a huge yard and place to go…but then I realize they go out on the deck and soak up the sun...and don't want any "doggie" doo to mess up their sun bathing!
    talk about clean dogs!!!

  • Houston

    I would love to have a doggiedoor installed, but my Hubby doesn't. It isn't uncommon to have other "visitors" enter your home like that, like raccons, opposums and various not so friendly cats. We have several neighbors that had to have theirs either removed or barricaded, becasue they had so many "visitors" So I guess no doggie door for Otis and the gang. They tend to want to go out in the huge front yard anyway and they are not allowed out there with out "parental" supervision…it is not fenced.

  • Our puppy also rings the bell to go outside. If we are in the room with the only door that doesn't have a bell, she will sit at the door and give us the Basenji snarky stare - then run back and forth between that door and one with a bell - she makes it really clear what her purpose is. However, she also rings the bell when she just wants to go out walking - or because a squirrel is in the drive, or birds are chirping and she wants to go see them, or someone rode by on a bike, or the wind is blowing, and leaves are out there to be caught, or she's bored - we have to judge the timing - and ignore her if it's obvious she's just wanting out for her own reasons, not business.

  • Houston

    I think that is so cool, but more importantly, b's not barking is really cool, and I am saying that with love, I love our two really barky dogs, but Otis definitely has one up on them…and that is the no barking. He did something yesterday ( at almost 5 months), he, in lack of any other ways to describe it, bark/yelped once and then barooed (spelling?). My husband was feeding them their nightly chicken wing and apparently was not doing it fast enough. We have never heard any other sounds from him than that.

  • Yes, the fact that Shaye doesn't bark really makes it great - there are a whole lot of yappy little dogs around here, and they drive people crazy, people who don't mind letting you know about it! She has made noise twice - both times at a mailman who was delivering a parcel. She barked twice each time at that man, and backed away as though she was afraid of him - no idea why she singled him out, because she loves everybody! But she has never barooed. I would love to hear her make that noise. One of the dogs at the dog park does it, and it's really really cool.

  • Houston

    I know, I am so wanting Otis to baroo or yodel or anything, not because I want him to be vocal, but it is almost surreal to have the dogs play and yip yap and nothing is coming out of him…nothing..is he mute? I know he is not, but it is still weird.

  • @Basenjimamma:

    I know, I am so wanting Otis to baroo or yodel or anything, not because I want him to be vocal, but it is almost surreal to have the dogs play and yip yap and nothing is coming out of him…nothing..is he mute? I know he is not, but it is still weird.

    I'm surprised you haven't heard any noise from him considering you have other dogs. I know that my 3 are quite noisy because of playing or wanting to play with each other.

  • Houston

    Like I wrote earlier, he did bark/yodel once and the barooed last night, but that is the first real basenji sound we have heard, besides him crying, yodeling in his crate…we will see what happens.

  • @Basenjimamma:

    I know, I am so wanting Otis to baroo or yodel or anything, not because I want him to be vocal, but it is almost surreal to have the dogs play and yip yap and nothing is coming out of him…nothing..is he mute? I know he is not, but it is still weird.

    Aw, I hope Otis makes some B sounds for you! My 2 Bs are so different in their vocalizations, I think I've heard everything - whether I wanted to or not! My favorite is when Trinity happily baroos from the bottom of her belly. Denver screams at times in his crate - not all that pleasant, but it's cute to watch his little mouth move while he does it - sometimes I think he has no motive, other than to hear himself!

  • Houston

    See that is what I am dying to hear. we just got home and he made a really worried sound when we got out in the backyard. Come to find out Luna, our Schnorkie and Otis had been "playing" with one of our younger chicks that keeps flying out of the run…needless to say he was bothered by the fact that A) the chicken was traumatized and 😎 I was mad...Thankfully the chick is not hurt severly and will be Ok with some loving inside for a few days.

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