Tayda and Lenny hunting - in my backyard. :(

  • Oooo - I remember when Daisy got a baby bunny! It freaked me out so bad that when I screamed she dropped it - then I got the dogs in the house till my DH came home to get rid of the poor thing. But if Lenny got an adult rabbit - I'd freak even bigger! What a day you had!

    We have rabbits running in our yard - they're very brave.

  • Just keep and eye on them and their stool for Tape…. even from the fur.. they can get the tape worm....

  • hmm, my boy doesn't chase rabbits. he pricks his ears up and may try to get close but no chasing from this boy. I have bred rabbits for close to 10 years and i was worried he would end up hurting one if it got loose but i exposed him to rabbits of all ages and he doesn't mind them anymore. now squirrels on the other hand. oh my. he can put on some amazing speed to catch them; he even darn near climbed a tree for one.

    if he catches one i always take it away. i am not takign any chances on any disease they may be carrying. late last year my big shepherd boy treed a raccoon that had some sort of disease. after that close call i take no chances with them and wild animals.

    his first meeting with a bunny:

  • @tanza:

    Just keep and eye on them and their stool for Tape…. even from the fur.. they can get the tape worm....

    Thanks - I will…. I just did a poop pick up yesterday and in the last few days I've seen Lenny grazing on some bird seed that had fallen out of the feeder - he apparently ate a LOT of it because his poop looked like it had been rolled in bird seed. lol. what a nut.

  • wow senjishowgirl its good you introduced them young. I think the only small animal Lenny was exposed to when he was a puppy was Kelli's chinchilla (i think its a chinchilla). At this point, I would frankly not trust either of them with anything small and furry.

    I was at a friends house who has a chain link fenced yard and lenny climbed OVER the fence to chase the squirrel into the adjacent backyard. YIKES! Again, it was scary to have to chase him, but I was secretly impressed. Did he grow opposable thumbs or something? It happened so fast I couldn't exactly see how he did it, but he definitely got over the fence.

  • My first two were great rabbit hunters (Gossy has yet to prove herself) and my first was blind in one eye and still got the rabbits. Tape worms are definitely a concern but just get a stool sample soon. Fleas are also a concern so check before they come in the house if at all possible (I speak from experience) - and this is one instance where a red/white is the best color.

  • WOW! I'd love to have a pet bunny, but . . . Actually never thought it would be possible to have basenjis and bunnies.

    The only time I ever saw fleas where I live is when Digital caught (and killed) a rabbit. 3 dogs (2 basenjis and the malinois) were covered in fleas. Couldn't even bring them in the house, so I bathed them on the back poarch. Very carefully followed the directions of the kitten/puppy safe flea shampoo. Digital had just had a bath since it was therapy week. Unfortunately the flea shampoo wasn't basenji-safe (both boys broke out in a rash or hives, it's been a while ago) so they had to have another bath the next day, which made it 3 baths in one week for poor Diggie. I told him I hoped that poor bunny was worth it!

  • LOL Michelle, way to go Lenny! I'm sure after all that racing that he's super proud of his "real" kill. 🙂 And I'm not too surprised that he scaled the fence for the squirrel. He could certainly scale the pen as a pup. lol Definitely keep an eye out for the tapes.

    Yes, that was my chinchilla that he got to grow up with. I'm sure he made a couple visits downstairs to visit the little critters, but the chin was the only regular exposure. And I don't think he ever got to visit with Elvis, but Mojo and Cleo did.

    They know that when we go to visit the critters they have to be good, but I have no doubts that left to their own accord or seeing one dash through the yard that they would be all for the kill. Mojo might want to play with it a little first, but I don't think it would survive that either. lol

  • Heh, Kananga had his first rabbit spotting this year on our walk today. He spotted the rabbit running instantly and wanted to chase after it. Amazing to see how alert these dogs become when it comes to hunting down food.

  • Awww, I love the pics of bunnies and Basenjis. Adorable. 🙂

    Mine have never caught a bunny….we rented a house on 40 acres once but the bunnies were always long gone before Jibini got to them. He hasn't mastered the whole "stealth" thing. Now, we only see bunnies in the farmer's field OUTSIDE the yard. I'm not lettin' them loose; we're almost rural but not quite :). Cattle pastures & horses nearby, too many gun-happy ranchers who'll shoot anything furry near their livestock.

    Ohhhh- but the NOISES they make when they see the bunnies & can't go get them? Priceless. My neighbors likely think I torture a falsetto Chewbacca in my backyard on occasion.

    Jibini got a prairie dog once, though. He was on-leash at a Utah rest area. Digging in a burrow. I figured no harm in it- fun energy release for the dog. I thought prairie dogs had deep, interconnecting burrows? Evidently not these guys- after a minute of digging (head & shoulders in the hole) he came out with a prairie dog in his mouth. One shake of Jibini's head & the critter was lifeless.

    I had the same reaction- shocked and a little proud, LOL. My husband was simply proud. I put forth the requisite girly squealing before calming down & realizing I was impressed with my dog's instinct.

    I guess I somehow figured with his spoiled-rotten-mama's-boy upbringing & fancy show-dog lineage he might be a little soft around the edges. The kind of dog who'd show enough instinct to catch a critter then act confused about what comes next. LOL. Evidently not Jibini. 🙂

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