• Giving your sick b the gift of peace is the hardest thing you can do, its also the last loving thing you can do for a dog who is ready to go to the Rainbow bridge.
    Hugs and hugs.
    It never gets any easier.
    Hugs again.

  • I'm so sorry and I feel for you - it's a difficult decision. Gypsy's long life couldn't have been better guarding her big family.

  • I am so sorry to hear that you will be giving your Gypsy up, I hope you know my thoughts and prayers are with you…

  • You gave her a happy life, we always would like it to last forever.
    I will think about you, Gypsy and your familly.

  • This just breaks my heart. I'm sitting here bawling at the thought of it. I know one day I might be faced with the same decision. I can't even imagine. 😞 I'm so sorry.

  • I am so sorry, it is the hardest and the kindest thing we can do for our dogs when the time has come. I will be thinking of you and Gypsy.

  • I'm sorry it's time for your little girl to leave you. 15 years is fantastic and I'm sure she is grateful to have spent it with such a loving family. Spoil her rotten, and know that this end is the sweetest gift you can give her now. Hugs.

  • JM…Noooo...I'm so sorry that Gypsy isn't doing well. 15 years is fantastic for a golden, but that doesn't make it any easier. I know it is a tough decision, but she will be in a better place. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.:(:( Oh, and I'm not a crier either, but your original post made me cry.

  • So sorry for you but it's the best decision you can make - she's hurting now but in a short time she'll be whole again and waiting for you. Enjoy the memories you have made with her.

  • Big cyber hugs from us.

  • Sometimes the most difficult choices, are the right choices. As hard as it will be to let her go, she will be in a better place, without any pain. Just remember the 15 years of memories you have shared with her. My heart goes out to you. hugs are being sent your way from Maryland.

  • your way. I know how hard this must be for you and your family. You are doing the best thing for Gypsy though no matter how hard it is, I had to put my cat of 19yrs. down last summer. It is the hardest decision to make but my vet told me that animals let us know when it is time for them to go, and Gypsy has spoken with not being able to go and get up on her own. My thoughts are with you, Sahara sends her love also.

  • Good luck today. My heart is with you!! Hugs!!

  • Our thoughts are with you today .

  • Hugs to you and your family today. This is the hardest thing we have to do for our fur-babies. Friends will be waiting for her at the Rainbow Bridge, and there will be a new star in the sky tonight.

  • I am thinking of you…

  • JM…You, Gypsy and your family are in my thoughts today. 😞

  • I'm so so sorry for you and your family. I know it was a difficult decision. You have a lot of cyber friends mentally holding your hand today as you go through this.


  • @JazzysMom:


    It looks like this is "it". I have made an appointment for Friday afternoon to have my beloved Gypsy put to sleep. Gads I hate even writing that.

    She has really been struggling lately, worse than ever. Many times she can't stand up by herself and I have to help her. She has begun frequently urinating on herself, and when she does manage to get outside she more or less collapses on the porch to pee. Last night my daughter had to literally carry her in from where she'd collapsed on the porch as she was unable to get herself back up and just lay there breathing heavily. She smells awful despite my daily cleaning of her hair.

    It's starting to feel mean to keep her going. The vet I prefer wasn't available until Friday afternoon, and I won't let "just anybody" send her off with me,so Friday it is. 15 is a good, long life for a golden mutt I know, but man it feels too short for me.

    Lots of tears already this week…..and I'm not even a crier..... I am going to be a wreck Friday. My best friend has offered to go in with me, but I'm not sure yet if I want that. It is a very nice offer --she's not really an "animal person" but really does get that I am and knows just how hard this is going to be for me. My husband is pretty sure I'll cancel the appointment, but the last couple of days have really shown me that it's time.

    With tears in my eyes, I am thinking of you and your sweet Gypsy today. I remember how hard it was a little over a year ago to take that same walk with my dearest friend Snowy. Heaven loans us the angels for such a brief time, but I have said over and over again that if the pain I feel from his loss is the price I have to pay for having him in my life, it is worth every tear.

    Be gentle with yourself, and know you gave her the very best, always.

  • Your family is in our thoughts as well.

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