Rude Behavior?
I recently read an article provided by another member regarding rude behavior in other dogs and how our dogs might react. Most people would find this behavior 'agressive' however it states that the other dog is just invading personal space and my dog is just reacting (telling them to get outta my face). This is completely understandable and raised some questions about my own dogs rudeness.
We had a friend over who brought her dog, Lola (a female Shi-Tzsu sp??). The foster parent we had picked her up from informed us that she was a very dominant female. I hadn't really noticed it until she was around Lola. Lola would be sitting on the couch and she'd jump up there and try and push her down by pressing firmly on her neck. Lola would growl and snap at her which would scare her away for a minute but would constantly be at her. I thought she'd get over it after a while because Lola wasn't having it but she kept at it the entire time.
Am I supposed to put her in another room if she's acting like this? Is she trying to dominate? Will she, most likely, be like that with all dogs?
When dogs meet, they immediately sort out who is going to get to be in charge. It often helps to introduce them on neutral territory, like a park, and then bring them back to somebody's home.
IMO, if you put her in another room, you are only delaying the interaction where they sort everything out. I would be more likely to distract both of them by calling them over. Your descriptions sounds kind of like your dog was trying to get the Shitzu to play. The way I am envisioning the scenario (might not be accurate) I wouldn't do anything, unless it looked like it was going to escalate into a fight. And next time I would take them for a walk together before bringing one into another's house. -
How should you allow dogs to "meet"?? Neutral territory or in a home?? Should you use a gate in between first? Or just on leash??
In addition to that, what is concidered appropriate behavior and what isn't? I know that they need to sort out dominance but how long is that supposed to take?
How should you allow dogs to "meet"?? Neutral territory or in a home?? Should you use a gate in between first? Or just on leash??
I agree neutral territory is best - not in one or the other's home. if you must - do it outside. as for a meet & greet routine, I allow "first name, last name"
first name = head or nose sniff.
last name = toosh sniff.I let my dog meet & greet on leash, so I can correct any bad behavior. if all goes well, I let them play in a safe area (fenced or in house) and let them sort things out - supervised of course, incase a serious fight breaks out - but that hasn't happened (yet… knocks on wood).