This is my jackers, anti-christmas…he just didnt have the holiday spriit!!(sorry bout the end, family HAD to see our first xmas deco...(me turning red) funny, ENJOY!!
Can see all the pics now. What a good idea to let the younger Basenji spend time getting used to your cats. Trouble is if it were me i dont think i'd want to give her back 😃
Great photo?s!!!!
Nice to see some B?s I know!!! 😃
Ooooohhh how nice to see Razi and Gaia!!! (sooooo very nice people wich are friends of us… they're totally in loooovvvee with their B's!!! That's the people that set up the basenji meeting
In the first half of the video, she soooooo wants the noise to go away, so she can get her beauty sleep ;). Too funny, made me smile all the way through !!!