Maddox the cat told Chance and Kiya not to mess with him. This is how it usually ends, sometimes manual intervention is needed. But they all love each other.
You had me confused and then I realized you meant the write up on the other rescue (Okapi)…
I like less white also. So I had to go look... wow, coloring reminds me of minpins. :) Cute dog though.
Shelley..the dogs do slip like crazy on the laminated floors but they are easy to care for and hardy so it is a little give and take kind of thing.
Thanks Petra,
i guess i am a bit scared they will hurt theirselves.
We got Killian from a breeder in Ohio–-Jim Edgerton. That's where he had gotten our previous male basenji. We took Logan and Jasmine to his place and looked at several 1 year olds and a puppies and Jasmine eliminated the others and we agreed with her pick.