• I've been leaving Gossy loose in the house while I've been at work (half days until she's totally trustworthy). Generally she's really good at not destroying anything - she did chew on the chair arms once - but almost every day she pees on the bed (glad its not the carpet; at least I can launder the covers). I tried leaving potty pads on the bed but she just chewed them up. I also make sure she goes outside before I leave. When I'm home she can last almost all day before having to go potty outside. She gets a nice bone to keep her occupied and has tons of stuffed and interactive toys to keep her occupied.
    Any tips on getting her to quit going potty while I'm gone?

  • Is it only on the bed? Can you close the entrance to your bedroom?

  • Yes - only on the bed. I could try closing the door but I wondered about her going on the carpets in the living room instead - I suppose I could try it and see.

  • If she has the run of the place… and is only peeing on your bed, I wonder if she is "marking"... I would try closing the door...

  • Katie did this. I closed the bedroom door and she stopped.

    She is now 7 and went through a phase this fall where she would run outside to pee like a good girl, then shortly after, would poop in the living room. I closed off the living room and made her spend the day in the kitchen. Verbal prompts to "go poop Katie", when turned out (just like I did when she was a 10 week old pup) must have kicked in. Still, I made her spend a week in the kitchen during the day. I always did the verbal prompt and a reward for asked deposit. I've had no problem since then

    (just FYI, I stated in another thread long ago that when I have problems with Katie's constitution/off character behavior, it is always around the solstice or equinox. This poop-in-the house behavior started 4 days after the autumnal equinox. Coincidence? Maybe.)

  • I would keep her in an area she has not marked and leave a puppy pad and tons of chew toys.

  • Indy has releived himself on the bed 3x. The first time it was an emergency type situation when he was really little so no hard feelings. The second time it was IN HIS SLEEP I woke up with a puddle at my feet and a very confused wet B.

    The third time however it was intensional. He was mad. He looked directly at DH and I and did it. Depending upon the age I would guess she might be doing it because she is frusterated with you. Do exactly what sharron said.

  • When your home, I would take treats with you when you take her out to go potty.
    I would use treats and praise for any outside success.

    My 2 b's are on a pretty strict routine, and I think they can hold it, when they know we will be home shortly.
    So, I try to get home the same time every day, even if I have chores to do outside the home..ie, groceries, etc.
    I go home, walk the dogs and either take them with me or leave them will a chew toy.
    This seems to work for me.

  • IMO it sounds like she is acting out because you are leaving her. Probably a separation anxiety type behavior. I would recommend confining her to one room of the house (not the bedroom) until she gets used to being alone. There are lots of great pee cleaners on the market which have enzymes in them that "eat" the pee. Anytime she pees in the house I would recommend using a pee cleaner to make sure anything residual is gone. Having a spot even faintly smell of pee can trigger them to pee in the same spot again.

  • @rnasto:

    Indy has releived himself on the bed 3x. The first time it was an emergency type situation when he was really little so no hard feelings. The second time it was IN HIS SLEEP I woke up with a puddle at my feet and a very confused wet B.

    The third time however it was intensional. He was mad. He looked directly at DH and I and did it. Depending upon the age I would guess she might be doing it because she is frusterated with you. Do exactly what sharron said.


    My B has had a few accidents from frustration. I had one weekend where he had 3 accidents in one day. All of them right in front of me. Part of it was from me not being home much the day prior. But after that he was fine.

  • Thanks for all the comments - I think too it has been frustration with my being gone too long (so I've shortened my work days for a few days anyway, thank goodness I can do that). And I'm working on treating her outside when she goes so hopefully that will do the trick.

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