Please pray for Booger
Awww hang in there Booger…... we're all pulling for you!
You and Booger are in my thoughts and prayers. I hope you find out what is wrong and that it is nothing serious.
I'm thinking of Booger & you as you go through this together. Hugs to you both. Keep us updated.
We are still praying and sending basenji hugs your way… BTW did you ever get the blood work done? I know your Vet. didn't seem too interested in doing blood work... but maybe there is another clue as to what is afflicting poor Booger there. Maybe you could get a second opinion from another Vet.? I know how hard this is for you, we do wish the best for you.
I will be thinking of you and hope you are able to get to the bottom of this. His health has so declined that SOMETHING is being missed. I assume they have checked for autoimmune hemolytic anemia? I'm not talking about the inherited kind, but the idopathic type. It is easily found if they do a PCV. Lethargy is very consistent with hypothyroid but not the weight loss. It would be the opposite – he would gain weight without eating much. Please let us know. This is very sad.
Any chance you would be open to taking Booger to a totally new vet/clinic. A fresh pair of eyes to look at the situation. Ask for his records and just get a second opinion. To use a lame quote – sometimes one can't see the forest for the trees and I'm wondering if this isn't the case here.