Sounds like she is letting you know where she is - Lela really (I mean REALLY) howls when she does not know where we are.
When we leave our B's alone, we always tell them we are leaving and when we will be back. They understand. We don't use crates.
Do females howl?
Bdawg, I love those short talkie sounds. Katie does those all the time. I especially love the 2:00 minute mark when Lexi throws herself to the floor, just like a toddler in a temper tantrum!!
Ty has always been a yodeler/howler and rapid tail wagger, but he never acquired the shorter "speech patterns". Katie is the mouthier short speech maker, but only yodels as a greeting to immediate family or to remind of a forgotten treat. She also only wags when extremely excited (ie.."look what I just stole" moments)