• I always wanted to know about Basenji clubs in other Country's

    For example, here in Holland, there are not so many Basenji's and the Basenji club Holland, is euhm more fixed on breeding and (sorry it's true) a bit of a mess. The people op top of the club more want to compete and win against eachother.. They all are good for their dogs and health is a big thing here.
    But for "not" breeders it's such a chaos.
    I hear a lot from friends, they really don't understand what the club is meaning etc.

    Also there is almost none Basenji in adoptions, or weird breeders. If there's a Basenji on the internet (for re-home, or for sale by a unknown breeder) there always is someone who contact that one for information and help.
    I think it's a good thind, they are trying to know and help everyting about unknown breeders here.

    You all have also a Basenji club like us in Holland and is there to a very big sort of competition between the people from the club?
    Or are some clubs really great to be with? an give the feeling the mean very much to the owners?

  • I think it's one big mess here..

    I love the Swedish club. Their site and magazine is great. Even for someone who's can't speak/read Swedish (getting better in it though ;)) I also get the feeling that B breeders in Sweden are in contact with eachother a lot, without a lot of compatition.
    They also have important rules for breeding (health, inbreeding etc).

    I believe the Finnish club is great too, but my Finnish is even worse..

  • @Janneke:

    I think it's one big mess here..

    I love the Swedish club. Their site and magazine is great. Even for someone who's can't speak/read Swedish (getting better in it though ;)) I also get the feeling that B breeders in Sweden are in contact with eachother a lot, without a lot of compatition.
    They also have important rules for breeding (health, inbreeding etc).

    I believe the Finnish club is great too, but my Finnish is even worse..

    Yes, You told me about the swedish club! (can you bring some magazine when we meet at show? I like to see it :)) The only thing in Swedish I know is "ikea" hahaha
    We're going to sign up at the German Basenji Club, thats already a huge step in the right way I think..

    I'm walking with the idea to go to a member-meeting from our club in Holland, but I don't think they really are waiting for someone that tells the club is such a chaos.. 😕

  • I think it depends on the people involved. There is some competition in every club, but the focus should be on what's best for the breed. I think (hope) we try to do that in Canada. We are very small, because #1 there are not many Basenjis, and #2, I feel we don't get promoted enough. But we do try to get together and have a good time as well.

  • @nomrbddgs:

    I think it depends on the people involved. There is some competition in every club, but the focus should be on what's best for the breed.

    Yes and that?s what i?m missing in Holland, what?s best for the breed..

    That should be the number 1 focus, like you say. I hope our club realize that sometime…:(

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  • I don't know if that's what is missing, but it's what should be the focus. And I'm not saying every breed club is like that. Healthy competition is one thing, nasty is not. There are several breed clubs here that tend to get nasty with one another. I'm just talking on experience with the BCOC. I find that we put our thoughts and hearts into the breed instead of trying to kill off each other.

  • I am in the US and aware of the clubs, but I am relatively new to the breed. I am also curious about the differences between our various clubs.😕

  • In the United States, we have a National Breed Club, BCOA, and we have local/regional breed clubs like BCONC, South Coast Basenji Fanciers, Rip Van Wrinkle, etc. I would say the breed clubs here are not so interested in getting involved in the individuals breeding programs and practices and instead take a more general approach. As an example, I would say BCOA is very concerned and involved in basenji health but not by having breeders get individual breedings approved instead they are involved in collecting DNA samples, pedigrees, and health information so that researchers have the resources they need to develop better testing. This is how the Fanconi Marker test came about.

    For many pet owners, the local clubs probably have more appeal because they deal with local basenji events and goings on. I am a member of Rip Van Wrinkle Club even though I am no where close to NY because I love getting their newsletter, they have great articles geared toward all basenji owners. I am a member of BCONC because I participate in local events and like to know what is going on locally. Each local club is really what the members make of it though so if it seems more geared toward one group or another that is usually a reflection of the active membership.

  • Keep in mind that there is another huge difference that is a part of why clubs in different countries are in many ways quite different than in the US and that is the difference between the show formats of FCI and AKC.

    One of the reasons that breed folks in the state talk and work together is that in order to get 'points' toward a CH there needs to be dogs defeated. If we didn't work together and go to shows together none of use would have Champions ever.

    In FCI countries you can be a bit more independent because your dog is evaluated more against the standard than defeating a certain number of the same breed. There are still Breed and Group wins but it is a totally different philosophy of showing and competition.

    While working on importing Podengos to the US - that fact is a factor time and time again - many breeders really can breed in isolation because they don't have to worry about having enough dogs for a major, They typically, in Portugal - don't drive to other than local shows chasing points - because they don't have to.

    It's just an interesting note and porbably impacts some of peoples actions in some countries in regards to breed clubs.

    Always interested to hear what other countries are doing.

  • Thanks everyone for sharing, I read al your post with great interest!

    It's so interested how it's work in different clubs and I already got some ideas for holland!

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