• Welcome! In my experience, B's do need a lot more attention when change comes into their lives. Cuddles, alone time, etc.

  • Hi there "DownUnder" !!:D
    to the Forum.
    Best wishes for 2009 from Belgium (UpAbove:D)

  • Welcome to the forum! Would love to see pics of Ralph!!

  • Welcome to our pack! Best wishes for the new year. I remember there was a thread some time ago about a newborn and basenji - I have no personal experience to offer but as I recall the threads it depends on the personalities (dog and baby) involved.

  • Welcome welcome to the pack !! sounds like you have a very special 1st born 😉

  • http://www.basenjiforums.com/showthread.php?t=2012&highlight=kira+baby

    Monica, this link might help when it comes to your new baby questions. Congratulations on your soon new addition to the family and welcome to the forums. Katie and TY send a big welcome baroo, too!!

    BTW, how did your Mr. Ralph come to pick you as his family?

  • Welcome to the Forum Mr Ralph, Im sure that you will find this forum filled with heaps of wonderful info, related to the B's 🙂

    I too am very new here, and although I do like to ask for info/help, from all these people who have been involved with the B's for so many years, I tend to read more than post…

    I live in Tassie, about 30kms south of Hobart, and have 2 B's, Saba who is a 17 month old male, and Ochre who is a 6 month old female. We are showing them, and have had some success. We also have Cattle Dogs, who we show as well :).

    Sorry, I cant help with the baby issue, as our 2 kids are 13 and 11yrs...

    Where did your boy come from, just curious ???

    I hope you enjoy this forum as much as I do, it is really chocked full of fabulous info, and great tips etc, to help our B's to be the best they can. Enjoy and Welcome...

  • Welcome to the forums!:d

  • Welcome! I only know what others have written about introducing a baby. Have your husband bring home something the baby has worn, or a blanket, so Ralph can smell it. Then when the baby comes home he will recognize the scent. As he is good with children he will probably be good with the baby, lots of shared time with all of you together. Many years ago my brother in law came to visit with wife and 2 kids, 1 was 2 and the other about 4 weeks old. Deb was unpacking and brought the baby in in a baby carrier and sat it on the floor. Pete, our male basenji who was about 6 and had not been around kids, went over and sniffed the baby all over then parked himself beside him. Whenever the baby cried for the entire visit, Pete wouldn't rest till he got someone to tend the baby. The female we had really showed no interest in the baby, but Pete adopted him immediately. (And Pete had actually killed a small dog once but never showed any aggression to the baby).

    Congratulations! Be sure Ralph has as much of his regular routine and attention as possible and you will probably have an easy adjustment!

  • Welcome at this forum!

    Cant wait for pics from ralph!!!

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