Seeing her in her new home brings tears to my eyes. I adored her as my foster and look forward to seeing her grow. She got such a wonderful home, it makes fostering so worth it!!
Oh my goodness, I need a tissue. I know you will be passing my way over Christmas break. My door is always open to you if you would like to stop by and see her. We would love it.
Thanks to all for nice words! :)
On Wednesday Kwame is 3 weeks old. These pics are from weekend, when he didn't open his eyes yet…
I hope to get his "open eyes" pics soon :).
I think he has very nice similar white on face :)
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Can't wait till January when we take him home to Buju and Masai :).
I'll try to get more pictures - my camera is old and he tends to come to me when he sees it so all the pictures end up blurry.
And I'm still waiting for the "two are easier than one" part ;)
How do you work on training one when the other sees treats being given out or take them for a walk when each wants to go a different (opposite) way? Oh wait, it is easy when they are napping :D
LOL ! of courseeee!!!! when doesn't rocky make those devil noises!? i really think he is a little demon. lol
One of these days I am going to have to tape the sounds she makes. It cracks me up! A little scary for other people, my mother-in-law was scared of her the first time she did it. Anymore I just tell her no and knock it off and she normally does!
Great looking dog in some good looking threads! I have yet to successfully get Hollie to wear clothing. I am seriously considering a raincoat and booties. Cleaning and drying her gets tiresome.