Ever just want to Pull your hair out?

  • But why would she do that to him and not me?
    That is what puzzles us

  • Fear?????
    Sorry, but I have had those days as well.
    We just let them sleep with us, and they never move in the night unless they are sick.
    They have trained me to get up when they do, cause its going to be ugly if I don't.

  • @Vanessa:

    But why would she do that to him and not me?
    That is what puzzles us

    Oh Vanessa, of course she goes to Alex. She figures she can put the charm on him and daddy will let it all slide.
    Sorry to hear you had a Tri-ing night 😃

    These pups sure are lucky they have the cute face for times like that.

    Oh and let me just add that the brindle girls are no less trying than their Tri sisters, just ask my little girl. She will terrorize the other 2 dogs till a fight starts and when I go to stop them she just moves away from the fight and sits down at my feet looking up at me like "Hiya daddy… Look at me I am such a good girl... those boys are fighting you know"

    So much fun these little terrors. 🙂

  • It really is the Tris.

    I feel your pain!! Lycia managed to pee on my friend's bed last week cause she was left at home for 15 while we ran to the store. Then she ate my friend's Skype headphones … then decided to eat through her harness AND her leash, while she was sitting right under me @ the cafe today. ahhhhhgggg. Not to mention she is in heat, which renders her next to insane.


  • They really can be a ball of terror at times! I swear

  • The good news is that they mellow with age 🙂 Ivy will be eight this year, and she is more sweet and loving, and less trouble than she has ever been!! She has been intiating play with Ethan (she used to growl at him) and she has been very tolerant and careful about the babies. She hasn't tried to bite anyone in years 😉 She has also never looked more beautiful 🙂

  • And just to stick up for Kiya 😉 …she might be acting out because she is confused. She may have peed and pooped because she was stressed out over being alone and out of the bedroom? I don't know what your usual routine for sleeping is...but it sounds like the routine was definitely different.

  • @Quercus:

    And just to stick up for Kiya 😉 …she might be acting out because she is confused. She may have peed and pooped because she was stressed out over being alone and out of the bedroom? I don't know what your usual routine for sleeping is...but it sounds like the routine was definitely different.

    That is totally true… she may have been really confused that she was not able to be on the bed with everyone else... and then being put out of the room totally, I am sure she was thinking... hey what's going on, I'm worried??? and not "hey what did I do wrong".....

  • I agree she might have been confused, since Chance was allowed to sleep with us last night and she was not. Usual routine is they both sleep on their beds and are allowed to jump on to our bed at 7:30 when it's time to get up.

    Looks like if we make an exception for Chance, Kiya has to be included as well. Funny that it does not work both ways. Chance can sleep on his bed and not need to jump up if Kiya is sleeping with us.

    Hopefully this will stop as she gets older. Chance was pretty persistent too, but then he mellowed out when he got older.

  • @Alex:

    I agree she might have been confused, since Chance was allowed to sleep with us last night and she was not. Usual routine is they both sleep on their beds and are allowed to jump on to our bed at 7:30 when it's time to get up.

    Looks like if we make an exception for Chance, Kiya has to be included as well. Funny that it does not work both ways. Chance can sleep on his bed and not need to jump up if Kiya is sleeping with us.

    Hopefully this will stop as she gets older. Chance was pretty persistent too, but then he mellowed out when he got older.

    Good luck on that one…. you are talking about a Tri Girl... chances are slim to none that she will stop with age.... ggggg 😉

  • @tanza:

    Good luck on that one…. you are talking about a Tri Girl... chances are slim to none that she will stop with age.... ggggg 😉

    Ditto! Persistance is in the genetic code for tris…they don't ever stop trying (tri-ing!) they just get craftier 😉

  • Tri Bitch, Tri Bitch, Tri Bitch… and your question was what?

    Pat Fragassi

    Well said, Pat. Vanessa, didn't you deliberately get a tri-ing girl, hahaha?
    Any B-girl is a handful, and add that Tri thing, ....now just hang on tight, you are in for a fun ride!

    Anne in Tampa, 2 Tris and 1 sweet B/W
    Anne in Tampa

  • I think everyone agrees that the tri-ing's are just that. But what about the brindles? My brindle more than makes up for my tri-ing. I don't think he's ever done anything wrong. Is this normal or is Diggie just exceptional? (Okay, well, I know Diggie is exceptional, but are all the brindles so good?)

  • @agilebasenji:

    I think everyone agrees that the tri-ing's are just that. But what about the brindles? My brindle more than makes up for my tri-ing. I don't think he's ever done anything wrong. Is this normal or is Diggie just exceptional? (Okay, well, I know Diggie is exceptional, but are all the brindles so good?)

    Zaire is super sweet to me. She is actually really sweet to everyone, except the boys a couple times a day. She likes to let Charlie and my roommate's min-pin know who is in charge. But she is a cuddle bug and really loves to just sit with people. But she is SNEAKY. She will get herself into anything you don't want her to. And even when I catch her she just looks at me like "I don't know what you are talking about… you saw nothing here". It really is cute. I think dogs of any kind, but Basenjis more than most, teach you to have a great sense of humor about things. Like their ability to find that sock that you swear you put in the hamper behind a fully closed door. Or the newspaper, even though you remember putting it in the recycling bin in the pantry. 😃

  • It is so nice to hear that those horror stories happen to others too! I had a hard week too. A girlfriend of mine came to stay home for a few days, Anuby ate one of her shoes and part of her handbag during the night, I then found that the collar of my red leather jacket (my favourite) had partly disappeared as well. Last Saturday morning I spent a solid half an hour cleaning pee and poo all over the floor, took her in the evening to friends who live next door to look after her for a few hours , I came back early to get her (worried): she had behaved perfectly, sitting on their knees all evening but when she saw me, she looked really happy and started vomitting all over their leather sofa and floor . So a bad week, coïncides with the end of efficiency of her DAP collar, so perhaps, it's back to anxiety performance! They are so sensitive, beautiful, clever but…what a handful, good one day and really bad another.

  • Not as good but maybe it will make you feel a bit better. I was at the park last night and one of our friends has a blue tick hound. Well Ed (the owner) knelt down to pet a smaller dog and Max (the hound) marked him…needless to say we were rolling on the ground laughing at him. Great friends huh?

  • At least I have my secret weapon….
    The water bottle.
    All I have to do is point it at her and she runs.
    I got to the point where I have had to sleep with the darn thing. LOL

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