Fight with a cat - Lenny injured?

  • So the vet prescribed clavamox and rimadyl which i gave to lenny when we got home. he's been pretty much lethargic and sleeping all evening, and i just picked him up to take him upstairs and noticed his ears seem unusually hot. he has been curled up in a ball in his dog bed so that could have something to do with it, but i'm not sure.

    i called the vet and she says neither drug should cause an elevated temperature, or lethargic behavior.

    maybe he's just recovering from the excitement of the day, but he seems way less lively and his ears are hotter than normal. unfortunately i don't have a thermometer otherwise i'd take his temp properly. i was just comparing them to Tayda's ears and thought they seemed warmer.

  • When Phoenix got into a fight a few mths back with his brother My vet prescribed the same thing and it made Phoenix sleepy it's the pain killers i believe that do it cuz when he was done with them he was back to his ole self again . i wouldnt worry too much maybe just the excitment from the vet the fight and the meds. He's not throwing up right ? But i would say it's the pain meds that are making him lethargic..

    I hope he feels better soon !!!!

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