• Scarlett was sound asleep in the couch in th living room the other day snoring and she started moving her feet like she was running and let out the quietest little baroo ever.:D About ten minutes later she did the same thing a little louder. I called her name and she never even heard me, just went back to snoring. She occassionally whimpers and whines if she wants something and can't get it herself but other than that she is pretty much silent. Has anyone else's B done that…baroo in their sleep?

  • My b's do this…often its at the dead of night...we all wake up, except the singing b.
    The first time this happened, as they sleep under the covers with us..it made us jump up and look around. LOL!
    Now we just pat them and go back to sleep.

  • Mine haven't baroo'd in their sleep…but they bark all the time 😃 . Really weird, especially Ruby because she doesn't normally bark.:rolleyes:

  • Mine barks in her sleep; short little snips and her feet look like they are running. she's sound asleep. I too just pat her and go back to sleep. I'd love to know what she's dreaming about.

  • Mine barks in her sleep too and looks as if she is running. It's really strange as she is silent during the day. They really are lovely dogs, full of surprises.
    But the barking is the best, especially when she sneaks onto my bed at night and tends to reach for one of my pillows, hoping I won't notice. The snoring wakes me up but the short barking sounds…

  • Funny about yodels… my Kristii never really yodeled until she was 13 yrs old...ggg... she will yodel at me now when I come home... it is too funny... however, before she would howl... and it as certainly a howl.. not a yodel....

    My boy OJ (to be 17 on Tuesday) has still never yodeled in his life... he would howl in his sleep when his was in-tact and the bitches in the house were in season...

  • @tanza:

    Funny about yodels… my Kristii never really yodeled until she was 13 yrs old...ggg... she will yodel at me now when I come home... it is too funny... however, before she would howl... and it as certainly a howl.. not a yodel....

    My boy OJ (to be 17 on Tuesday) has still never yodeled in his life… he would howl in his sleep when his was in-tact and the bitches in the house were in season…

    Querk did this a few times also….scared the cr@p out of us!!

  • I have to agree with Andrea, it scared the crap out of us too. Mick is not a vocal boy but when he does Baroo I wish he would do it again. It's so sweet.

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