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What's your B's name?

Basenji Talk
  • Tyler the Tiger, our brindle male, was named when we received him. We never considered changing his name as we had bigger things to worry having just received our first B in the home!!!!!

    We wanted Katie to be named after Katherine Hepburn and the movie the African Queen. Unfortunately our choice was rejected, so our daughter came up with a combination of Hepburn/Bette Middler (a brassy-colored, sassy-mouthed, LOUD, outspoken female with a sturdy{being diplomatic here} frame), The Divine Miss Kate.

    We call her Sissy about as often as we call her Kate. (cut/paste from previous post…Kate our r/w female, is also called Sissy. Sissy as in sister, sissy because she's afraid of the dark, and sisy, short for Sisyphus because one of her favorite things to do is collect small rocks in the backyard and bring them into the house.)

    Do you call your B by more than 1 name?

  • Cinnamon responds to Cinnabuns, Dogbert, poogies (I swear my Father calls her that) Puppy-dog, and Satan. :)

    Lycia is - Lyly, pup-pup, booboo, & ma puce

  • Is there another meaning for "puce" in Switzerland?

    Cute name, BTW, for a red/white and the added plus in french as flea!!! As we know, they can be a PEST!!

  • @snorky998:

    Do you call your B by more than 1 name?

    This, I'm sure, could start a whole new topic….

    Everybody in this house gets called by dozens of names.

    Booger will come to BoogerMan, BoogieMan, Boog, Here kitty kitty, Spooky, Lola, Kiki, Andrew, Daddy, pretty much anything you call out loud to indicate you want something's attention will bring him running. He used to really come flying to here kitty kitty because he knew it meant a cat was about to come running & he could chase it. I also called him "Momma's Boy" and "Lover Boy" and "Snothead" and when he's particularly annoying I call him words not allowed in decent company.

    Lola is Loleepop, Lollerkins, LollerSkates, Lollers, Lol, Loleepie, Pretty Girl, etc.
    Spooky is Spookykins, Creepy Kitty, Spoospoo, etc.
    Kiki is Kikerkins. She doesn't have a lot of nicknames because she's always hiding somewhere & sometimes we forget we have her.

    Basically anything that pops into my head is fair game for a nickname for any of them. Thank God they can't talk because they'd probably nickname me Crazy.

  • Sahara is named after the Sahara Desert she is red and white, with red that is about the same color as the desert. Her registered name is from the great classic movie, Africian Queen Sahara. The movie is with Katherine Hepburn, and Humphrey Bogart.

  • This is a fun thread…
    The Pet Orphans rescue that we got our basenji from named him Garrett. When we saw this skinny guy on the petfinder list my boyfriends mom said he was meant to be with us.
    When she was a little girl her family took care of a basenji puppy for a week that was then given to her best friend, a boy named Garrett on his birthday. It was her first experience with a basenji and much later in life she became a B owner herself.
    Her basenji who is now 6 years old is named Angus after the AC/DC guy Angus young. -Because Basenjis rock

  • Eli just sort of looked like an Eli…if that makes sense. He is also affectionately known, when he's being mischevious, as E-coli, Ewok, Evil and Eekie among other things. He'll answer to just about anything that has a long E sound at the start. When he's in real trouble it's Eli Joseph.

    My ACD is Cool Hand Luke. It was an obvious name for him because we'd already decided the first time we met him that his call name would be Luke and he's very laid back and relaxed. We also call him Luke-o-potamus or just Potamus. When he was a puppy he was kinda chubby and my daughter said he had a hippopotamus butt.

    The BC is Jake the cow dog (the meaning for Jake is held by the heel), JJ or Jakerdoodles or more and more frequently Old Man. He's pushing 13 and not quite as spry as he used to be.

    Petey Beagle (Repeat Performance in registered name) was already named when he came to live with us. Since he had some difficulty grasping housetraining we called him Petey Pullups or Petey Pampers. The kids also call him Petey Pablo after the rapper. He has his very own Petey Pablo Beagle song we sing to him when he's on the table being groomed.

    We also have a barn cat named Bronson because she has an obvious death wish wandering through the paddock when the dogs are out running.

  • Ghetti is for Serengeti, but we mispelled it. My husband and I didn't bother to look it up…:o but he has few nicknames, Big Dog, Big Chest Dog, Vicious Cuddles...don't have an explanation for them.

    Nala..we named her after Simbas gal pal in the Lion King. So far she has acquired one nickname..Spunky

  • I just found this old thread and found it interesting.

    Ella was named mostly after jazz singer Ella Fitzgerald because we hoped our puppy would sing. And she was a classy African American lady and we had an African American pooch. Our Ella does not sing or yodel but we discovered the name is still appropriate. We tell people Ella is short for "elegant" which describes our girl just right. People agree.

    She has many nicknames but we say that her full name is Ella T. Basenji. The T stands for many different things depending on our mood, but mostly for Trouble. We often sing the song "Trouble" from The Music Man except the lyric is "Trouble! With a capital T and that rhymes with B and that stands for Basenji."

  • Bushongo Cosmo, breeder who decided that. And I think its ok :)

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