• sound gross?…it is....there is this light green goo coming from my basenjis right eye, and the day before it was coming out his....umm, manhood.

    well, he seems to be acting fine and it'll happen for like a hour and then go away for the rest of the day. it's not a ton, just enough to notice.....just wondering if you all have ever had this happen and if i should take him to the vet.

    if it helps, he did eat a whole nylabone...those little rubber ones with flavoring....my aunt said she thought they were digestable but i'm still worried...and he occasionally drink from the pool and it has chlorine in it....that's the only scary things he has digested that i thought might cause this....and he's 8 months old, if that helps too (i thought maybe reaching puberty or something)

    thanks for any advice

  • Green "goo" from his "manhood" is pretty normal and not to be worried about too much… from the eye... could be a number of thing and doubtful that they would be related.. and would not be related to a nylabone... I would keep and eye on the "eye"... could be allergies.. or something more... if it doesn't clear up in the next day or two, I would be off to the Vet

  • thank you…whew, i thought it coming out his penis was going to be something terrible.....i've been wiping his eye with a hot rag hoping that would help, you know, like when a baby has a plugged tear duct.

  • @fountainhead:

    thank you…whew, i thought it coming out his penis was going to be something terrible.....i've been wiping his eye with a hot rag hoping that would help, you know, like when a baby has a plugged tear duct.

    Alway be careful of eyes… I would always rather be safe then sorry and have any eye problems checked out if it doesn't clear up in a couple of days.

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