Breeding Plans
That is great news… usually if you can keep them from having a complete knock down drag out fight, you can work them back together... especially once the bitch having the pups decided that 1. the other is not a threat to the pups, or 2. the one having the pups decides after that it was not really "her" cup of tea...ggg (I had that with Maggii, she was ready to put the pups out on the street at 2wks... ggg... I had to hold her down to have them nurse... and she would have gladly given them all to Mickii had I let Mickii get milk, we are NOT talking Mother of the Year)... Mickii on the other hand was what I consider Mother of the Year... she took wonderful care of her pups and was never ever threatened by the others (once the eyes opened) and let every one in to play with her pups... Fatia was over the top with her pups and considered everyone a threat... even her own Mom, Mickii... and never did let down... leading me to placing Fatia with one of her pups (best decision I ever made it was the perfect solution)
Awe I have to come and visit more often these babies are so cute
I'm going to try to load a video, if not here's the link:¤t=SDC10437.flv -
So, soooooo cute! What beautiful pups! Glad to hear things have calmed down on the Sugar/Damisi front. Keep us posted…
OOooooohhh, I want one they are sooooo adorable!!!:o
Puppies are looking good. We seen a bunch of pictures, its nice to finally see them in action. Thanx for posting the vid Arlene.
They are so adorable!!! I'll take them all! :)
Here's a link if anyone's interested in updated videos and pics. -
They just get cuter & cuter! Have you decided which one you are going to keep for yourself? From the videos it looks like you are leaning towards Bubba?
I agree Arlene, Tank is my pick over Bubba now. But hard to tell just from a few photos. Movement, personality, and other things can really make a difference. Hard to tell without getting your hands on the dogs.
I'm sure you'll have a ton of fun with whoever you choose! Please keep sharing!
Well, Bubba is pigheaded. Tank is more amenable. He's better with the other dogs-doesn't bully. He is more even tempered at this point. I'm giving them their second shots today before the two of them leave tomorrow, so I'll be starting to take them 'out and about'. That should help his temperment even more. He was actually the calmer of the two for tattoing as well. The thing I'm really impressed with (I know this doesn't mean much) is his chest and his wrinkle. Although, I find the shoulder set a little forward beside Bubba, I don't know if this will be a problem.
So Arlene, which one did you end up keeping? :)
I'm not sure I'm keeping any. Tank is still here, but if I can find a good home, he will probably go with certain limitations. Such as showing. Bubba's owners have agreed not to neuter him yet until I see him at six months. They are really very good people. There are new videos of the two on the photobucket page, but they move so fast, it's hard to catch pics of them.