• You all WONT believe what happened at the Dog Park the other day…I walked in witrh jack and there were only two other people there and the guy was sitting at the park bench and said to the other lady there. Oh I show dogs and i know all the breeds" and then to me "Isnt that a schipperke?" I HONESTLY thought he was seriously joking so I busted out laughing and said "HAHAHAA Hell no! HAHAA Of course this isnt a Schip this is a Basenji. HAHAA!" Ok well he wasnt kidding and immediatly proceeded to say "Well then he is a Mix of one" I was like "youre joking right? Schipperkes are little fuzzzy black dogs with docked tails. They kinda resemble a bear cub" and He got up with a BRIGHT red face becuase the other lady there was rolling on the ground laughing and this point and he left... I felt bad but i thought he was kidding with us...appearently not. But how can you say your flawless at calling out what each breed is and then mix up THESE😕 ???



    ????????????? LOL ?????????????????

  • Looks like a match to me…. ggg.. that is too funny....

  • OMG sooo funny…....If I was blind and had lost both my hands I still think I could tell a B from a Schipperke....but then again I may be giving myself too much credit. 😃

  • Haha, that's too funny! 😃

    I like the schipperke more with his tail:

  • Obviously the same dog!!! Gotta love know it alls who loudly broadcast their superior knowledge… he was asking for it.

  • Hahahaha! That is TOO funny!

    When I take Shango out, we get so many different breed guesses! We've heard just about every terrier on the planet- they are always so confused when I tell them not only is he a basenji, but he's not even considered a terrier!

    Hope you and your "skipper" 😛 had a nice park visit!

  • Bwaha ha ha ha ha 😃 It's quite clear to me that Jack must be a schipperke 😃

    On a related story - I was walking EL D in the neighborhood one evening and was carrying him past a house in which the dogs bark like crazy at us (it's easier to carry him past than to let him try and pull me). Anyway a neighbor came out and laughed at that (of course) but asked if EL D was a basenji – clearly your park friend could learn from this guy -- he said he could tell because of the bark 😃

  • The weirdest guess I've gotten, was when a woman was clearly upset that I dared to shave my chow chow. She and her friend gave me a piece of their (and PETA's) mind. Once the ranting and raving stopped, I shyly (I was only 14) explained that he was a Basenji, not a chow. She didn't believe me.

  • HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!
    Thats too funny. What a HUGE difference.
    I love it when people ask what kind of Terrier we have.
    Terrier???? Not even close!

  • HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! That's the funniest one I've heard!!!

    I'm asked a lot if they're JRT's or ratties…but a schipperke...NEVER!

  • @Knipper:

    The weirdest guess I've gotten, was when a woman was clearly upset that I dared to shave my chow chow. She and her friend gave me a piece of their (and PETA's) mind. Once the ranting and raving stopped, I shyly (I was only 14) explained that he was a Basenji, not a chow. She didn't believe me.

    Haha, that's funny too 😃 😃

  • My wife must have met your guy's cousin while she was at Petsmart with She-Ra buying food. He kept insisting that Basenji's were Brazilian hunting dogs, and she's trying to tell him they're African, and I guess he had a few people around so he's trying to save face so he started like citing sources or something that made them South American dogs.

    Sadly, I wasn't there. I'm like one of those old Coronet films they made you watch in school when it comes to Basenji facts. 🙂

  • Ahhh good one! Classic. Whenever we are out people ask what kind of breed Mick is and we say Basenji. They always knock themselves on the head (as in "oh I could've had a V8") and say "Oh wow a Basenji". Then they always replied "I've never seen one in person"

  • I was asked once if Cooper was a Pit Bull puppy… And we're always telling people that he's not a terrier and not shaved.

    Do your basenjis get mistaken for puppies regularly? I guess with their energy and stature, people think that they still have a lot of growing to do. I just smile and say, "Oh, he's 2 1/2! He's done growing, but he'll be this bouncy forever!"

  • Yes, everyone thinks Fiji is a puppy, "How big will she get?"

    We get sooo many questions when we're out with her. A lot of folks get close - she gets called a Shiba Inu with cocky confidence on a regular basis.

    This last weekend a guy called out "What's your dog's name?" When I said Fiji, he snapped at his wife: "See?! I told you it wasn't a Veeshily, it's a Fiji!" :rolleyes: I guess the wife thought she was a very small Viszla.

  • I still get told he's a puppy, when I say he's 14, they always shake their heads then ask "months, right?" nope he's 14 years old. "but he's a puppy!"
    ummm…. no....

  • Yeah, everyone thinks Tosca is a puppy too, and don't seem to believe me when I tell them otherwise…like they know her better than me, lol!

  • hehehehe 😮 hes probabaly at home reserching as we speak…...

  • I've had two different people mistake Piper for a boston terrier. Both were walking bostons and came running over to play with my boston puppy then didn't want to believe me when I told them she was a basenji.

    But I can't blame them because Piper thought their dogs were basenjis. She got so excited when she saw them coming just like she does whenever she meets another basenji. Unfortunately she found out that while they were nice dogs they just were not as fun as basenjis.:)

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