Thank you, @Kembe.
How is it….
that my oldest daughter is 21 years old today when I am only 29?:rolleyes:
This is us then:
And this is us now:
Sometimes it seems those years have flown by, sometimes it seems it has taken forever to get here. But it's been a great journey, and I'm really happy with who she's turning out to be.
she looks just like you
Awww you gals are beautiful! I love mother daughter photos
Happy 21st Birthday to your daughter!!!
Aww - lovely photo of you and your dd - in both pics! You haven't changed a bit, but your dd looks a lot different. (btw - we're both the same age…29 and holding!!! ha ha)
Since I now have 3 little grandsons, I've advanced my age from 29 to 39! But I'm determined to hold my ground there. Your daughter is lovely. If a person's greatest legacy is the people he/she leaves behind, it appears you have done well!