Learning to be alpha
This isn't really a behavioral ISSUE….Just a funny B behavior story for y'all
So I had warned Charlie for many months last year that he better enjoy being the big tough boy, as I knew that when I got the little girl for him he wouldn't be alpha for long. So when Zaire first got home with us she did SO well with Charlie's random growling outbreaks. She would just walk away from him wenever he got real growly. I had warned him that this wouldn't last long, and sure enough the last week has proved that. It's really quite funny actualy. About a week and a half ago the kids were playing and Charlie got a little rough (he took a little nick out of Zaire's nose). As I am sure all of you know (and the ones with girls know even more) their comes a time in a young Bs life when they realize that they are no ordinary dog, but a wonderfull and powerfull hunter. :P Well this was the moment of truth for little Zaire. There she was backed up into a corner in the kitchen, a nick out of her nose, a big LOUD Parson Russel Terrorist yelling at her. What to do, how could she get out of this in one peice?
Well I have to say she rose to the challange amazingly. I almost laughed cereal out my nose (I was eating breakfast while all this was going on).
There she is little thing trapped in the corner by her bully of a big brother. Then suddenly she was on her hind feet, front paws wildly boxing at Charlie, mouth wide open, and one of the best Basenji Devil screams I have ever had the joy/terror of hearing. Poor Charlie must have thought it was a banshee from the old country coming to take him away, he booked out of the kitchen with the little deamon following close behind. She got him to the living room and managed to tackle him. Poor Charlie, he didn't believe me that the girls are just as tough as he is. I think he is starting to understand now. :D So the last week or so now has been an interesting one as they are both trying to figure out who is the boss. Charlie's new tactic now is to make as much threatening noise at her durring their arguments as possible, while running as far away as he can. I have never seen anything quite like it, he sounds like he is going to tear her head off, yet he runs away into the bedroom while doing it. She will just stay in the living room, and after about 2 minutes the snarling from the bedroom stops, and out comes Charlie to lick her ears and tell her he loves her. It's going to be an interesting summer as she continues to grow. :) -
Ha ha that is to funny! The mental image of that will have me laughing the rest of the day. Great story.
OMG that is hilarious, I think if I had been eating cereal just reading this would have had cereal coming out my nose
I was really laughing on this one
Poor Charlie must have thought it was a banshee from the old country coming to take him away
This is hilarious, Kiya was Chances boss from the get go.
Let me set the scene for you all. I decided that after all the stress with getting Zaire’s DNA submission the kids and I would go out camping. So off we went to the Oregon coast. It was a beautiful day, and a great night to be in a tent.
Now after many years of camping I have learned to fend off the sun for about an hour after it comes up, I simply place a towel or blanket over my head. Since I have had Charlie I use a blanket while camping anyway so I don’t end up fighting an angry terrier all night who just wants into my sleeping bag. Charlie loves nothing better than sleeping in, and so has been great while camping about letting me cover him and myself back up first thing in the morning.
5:30am: The sun is just creeping through the trees, the scent of ocean in the air, the birds chirping. I roll over and throw the blanket over my head and snuggle down next to the dogs.
That’s right in a flash (or approximately 5 minutes after I had passed back out) Zaire decided it WAS time to wake up. Of course Charlie had something to say about that. So here I am in a public camp ground at some un-holy time in the morning, two dogs going at it, trying my best to calm them down and not cuss at the top of my lungs for having my face trampled by multiple feet (Thank the maker I had clipped their nails the morning before).
SHHHHHHH QUIET…OUCH Charlie don’t step on me…….Ouch Zaire no no little girl no biting. No Charlie no yelling, it’s ok be a good boy…….Zaire you are going to wake up the whole park, shhhhh sweetie.
dogs now laying down together
So was it my great calming skills, my relaxed personality, or the love my dogs have for me that quieted them down?
You all own Basenjis…You know the answer.
So what caused the sudden ceasefire you ask?
Zaire was screaming at Charlie and suddenly coughed…AND SPIT A TOOTH OUT AT HIM.
I almost died laughing. Charlie just froze, laid down, and started licking her muzzle.
I guess sometimes teething is a good thing, I just never know it was also a weapon. :p
That is hysterical! Charlie must think Zaire is one tough little girl, spitting teeth at 5 in the morning. I envy you having the Oregon coast to camp on with your dogs.
Anne in Tampa…camping with snakes and gators just isn't going to happen here!
Ohhhhhh, so funny! The mental pictures that I am getting! hahahahaahaa
That is hysterical! Charlie must think Zaire is one tough little girl, spitting teeth at 5 in the morning. I envy you having the Oregon coast to camp on with your dogs.
Anne in Tampa…camping with snakes and gators just isn't going to happen here!
Yea I wouldn't be too keen on camping in the Florida swamps. :)
I love that I have the Oregon and Washington wilderness to camp in. Though I do have a very good friend from New Zealand who will not camp with me when he is visiting for fear of being eaten by a bear.
:D -
Brilliant story telling… i'm sure the ppl next door are wondering what's wrong with me. =)
She sounds like a real hand full. =)
She sounds like a real hand full. =)
Oh she is….but I wouldn't have it any other way. :D
Where in Or did you go?
I take my 2 b's down to Cannon Beach on the Or coast.
I go in the off season, you can get 2 rooms for the price of one…and most places like dogs.
My 2 b's. love it...
But its the only time they get a bath, I only let them off leash in the early am before anyone with another dog is out there...
BUT, of course, the dead smelly "things" are on the beach 24/7.
Guess its worth it, as we take our doggie shampoo down every year!