• his papered name is platinum's desert storm? something like that. i am calling him fender, like the guitar. short for number one defender (the title of a song i like about a father's love)

  • So cute, I love the red & whites, my Sahara is the same, and she looks alot like yours. I don't blame you for being excited, they are the best.

  • What a great name Fender is….
    Bandit is a red and white


  • He is ADORABLE!!! And I just love Mary Kay…you are so lucky to have found her and Fender 🙂

    I also have a Platinum Basenji.....Taji-Rennek-Platinum Quercus JC, or Blondie

    She is the one in the middle of the pic


  • we all have such good taste 🙂 bandit and andrea's trio look so sophisticated….i am sure it is just a front. i do feel lucky to have found mary k. my friend gale w (the mastermind behind undercover basenjis) recommended her to me. her little girls and my son got along beautifully.
    and fender is such a silly boy

  • STOP with the puppy pictures already!!!
    You KNOW how WEAK I am!!! LOL

    Nah, he is adorable {oh! that face! I LOVE the Basenji puppy faces}.
    I have to resist the urge to feel jealous. . . . at least until my Gypsy passes on. LOL

  • What a cute pup!!! congrats and good luck with him!

  • He's gorgeous. Thanks for sharing.

  • i visited fender again today. he is such a snuggle bug! he also is doing that thing were he picks up everything and carries it off in his mouth. we tried the leash thing…he is going to need some practice. lol. then i went to petsmart and did some serious shopping. he comes home on wednesday! i am soooo excited.

  • OMG how CUTE! Don't know how I missed it. Wait, I do… been super busy and hitting recent posts and missed. However, 😞 Freddy Fender died yesterday... isn't it a nice coincidence you have your own Fender?

    He is one cute pup! Congrats!


  • I am delighted your Fender is working out.
    Mary Kay is one of the nicest people I gave the pleasure to know.
    We are so lucky in the PNW that we have quality breeders who give us a wonderful dogs.
    We will do a Kitsap play day one of these days…just trying to find a safe fenced area.

  • okay so i have had him at home for a little while now. it is going well. yesterday and the day before i thought i might die….he peed on the couch, loveseat, my bed and my son's bed! today has been accident free (and it is now bedtime ) he is sleeping in his crate, he whines a lot. the first night i only got 3 hours of sleep. it is getting better. he has learned to sit and is making huge leash progress 🙂 he found a dead rabbit today..that was so gross. he loves all people, strangers and kids (even large groups) so i am feeling blessed. please keep your fingers crossed for us 🙂

  • You can help him learn to go outside by taking him out every 2-3 hrs and then giving him a treat piece of cheese, hot dog when he goes along with lots of verbal "good boys".
    Also, when he is in the house, have him leashed to you.
    That way, you will notice when his nose goes down and he starts to show interest in corners of the room.
    That really does work.
    Good luck.
    Oh, do post some photos so we can enjoy them.
    Hugs for your new boy!

  • well, looking back, we have made a lot of improvements with his behavior. i am giving up being incognito (well to all but a "priveliged" few LOL) because fender and i took some cute pics together tonight. here we are
    the innocent ones

  • I love the first one, it looks as if neither one of you could do anything wrong! :rolleyes:

  • Nice pics!

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