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What you Miss when a Basenji exits your life…

Rainbow Bridge
  • Since Rocky's death, I have found myself missing the strangest things. I'm guessing these are things only a Basenji owner would miss…

    ... still freaking out when I realize I left a closet door open...
    ... coming home and not finding any clothes/paper products eaten and strewn across the living room…
    ...the grinning yodel...
    ... the lazy look over the haunches as they lay on the counch as if to say "you expect me to go potty outside today when it's only 55 degrees and partly cloudy? I don't think so!"…
    ... still checking the house to make sure all doors are closed before we leave to make sure no doggies accidents occur...
    ... when opening all exterior doors still bending your knees and doing a quick once over to check proximity of sight hounds who might be planning an escape...
    ... hearing the cat go on a running bender and realizing the dog isn't to blame...
    ... the dead weight in the bed and/or having to fight for every inch of mattress space and blanket coverage with a 20 lbs dog...

    I'm sure everyone has the things they miss about their pet that has passed... but in recent conversations, the weird looks people give me when I tell them what I miss most makes me believe we Basenji people are definately a crazy breed apart.

    So I raise a toast... To all those loved and owned by Basenji... and to the "Good Dogs" who have gone before...

  • Rocky's mom… I just wanted to let you know that I read your post this morning and am thinking about you! You are in our prayers.

  • I am so, so sorry for your loss. I missed your note in which you said you would be saying good bye this weekend. A vet once told us that a loving dog owner watchs for that point where he is keeping his dog alive for himself rather than for the dog. Even when you reach that point, it is a tough decision. You are certainly in our thoughts and prayers.


  • I'm again truly sorry for your loss. You are in all of our thoughts/prayers as you adjust to life without a crazy basenji roaming around the house. ((hugs))

  • I'm so sorry for your loss. I know how hard it is. He was lucky to have had such a loving, caring mom who did so much for him.

  • Beautifull words. I agree, it is interesting what strange things we miss when we have to say goodbye to our furbabies. Love and well wishes for you as you go through the greiving process.

  • I'm on the mend… each day gets easier. At least I'm at the point where I can talk about Rocky without breaking down. He wouldn't want me to mope. He'd be all out for the eating & sleeping & enjoying the warm weather that brings out the squirrels for him to chase.

    Thanks to everyone here for their support. You guys (short of a few lucky people in my everyday world) actually know what it's like to loose those crazy companions of ours.

    Anyone else have weird things they've found themselves missing about their departed furry friends? I know I'm not the only one to have gotten those weird stares.

  • So sorry for your loss.When we lost our oreo to advanced age and renal disease. It was devasating. We thought we were going crazy because both of us would hear the tags jingling on his collar. He was one of those strong silent types he would never yodel and the jingling let us know where he was. Perhaps he was watching over us before he crossed the bridge to make sure his daddy was going to be okay. It was just him and his daddy for 10 years prior to our marriage. May sweet memories help you thru this.

  • Rockyswoman asked: "Anyone else have weird things they've found themselves missing about their departed furry friends? I know I'm not the only one to have gotten those weird stares."

    When our previous dogs died, it seemed like I could hear them and feel their presence in the house for a long time. I really missed the enthusiastic greeting every single time I walked back into the house - whether it was after a 10 minute absence or an all day absence. Your family members miss you but no one shows it like the dog does!


  • Boy do I know how you feel (having lost one last summer).
    Hugs hugs hugs hugs.

  • I am so sorry about you losing Rocky. It makes so sad at the thought. I am speechless but I wanted to know I am thinking of you.

  • So sorry for your loss! I have lost dogs in the past and I also suffered for quite a long time, but never a basenji. I could not even try to imagine life with out Trixie at this point but I know it will come someday! Prayers are with you!

  • I'm tearing up just reading this.. the day will come when you smile at all the memories rather then cry.

    When Dakota passed I missed hearing him banging on the kitchen cabinets when he wanted a treat. I would try so hard to ignore him, but that boy could have banged for hours, I always gave in. One night about a week after he was gone, I woke thinking I had heard the banging and even got out of bed to look knowing full well he wasn't there. I like to think he came down to goof with me on last time.

  • Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers during this difficult time. (Hugs)) Sharon

  • @RockysWoman:

    Since Rocky's death, I have found myself missing the strangest things. I'm guessing these are things only a Basenji owner would miss…

    So I raise a toast… To all those loved and owned by Basenji... and to the "Good Dogs" who have gone before...

    Thank you! Here's to the "Good Dogs" who've gone before and to my own Rocky "Rockpup the buttercup" a Chow-mix that passed over the Rainbow Bridge nearly 5 years ago. I cried the first week preparing meals. I found myself carving some scraps out just for him, only to turn around and he wasn't there. I felt so empty-without him. Writing this and reading your post brings it back "sniff-sniff". You have my sympathies. Yes - the pain and hurt from your loss will subside - know that your Rocky now lives in your heart.

  • My sincerest condolences on your loss. When we lost Cassi after 15 years I swear I could hear her tags jingling for weeks after she was gone. We still have another 15+ Basenji (Alex) that I doubt will hang on for another year. It's really hard to lose them, but remembering all the good times helps to ease the pain.

  • I read this poem when I think of my beloved b's who have passed.
    It used to make me cry…now I realize how very true it is.
    Hugs, dear, hugs, hugs, hugs.

    Death is Nothing at All

    I have only slipped away into the next room
    I am I, and you are you
    Whatever we were to each other, that we are still.

    Call me by the old familiar name.
    Speak of me in the easy way you always used to.
    Put no difference into your tone.
    Wear no forced air of solemnity or sorrow.
    Laugh as we always laughed
    At the little jokes that we enjoyed together.

    Play, smile, think of me
    pray for me.

    Let my name be ever the household word that it always was.
    Let it be spoken without effort,
    Without the ghost of a shadow upon it.

    Life means all that it ever meant
    It is the same as it ever was.
    There is absolute and unbroken continuity.

    What is this death but a negligible accident?
    Why should I be out of mind because I am out of sight?
    I am but waiting for you for an interval,
    somewhere very near,
    Just round the corner.

    All is well.

    (By Henry Scott Holland)

  • Sharon, that is absolutely beautiful! Thank you…

    I know Rock is up there picking out the next dog to come live with us. And I know it will be a test of patience... but never a test of love.

    How crazy are we to allow our hearts to open and be broken repeatedly... all for the love of a dog. I am so lucky to have been loved whole-heartedly by the best of dogs.

  • I am so glad you like it.
    My 7 yr old neice asked me why dogs die before we do…
    I told her that dogs are so wonderful, giving and loving, we would probably not deal with humans at ALL...
    Hugs dear.
    It never easy to lose them, but I do believe we do all join up again in the next life.

  • @RockysWoman:

    I am so lucky to have been loved whole-heartedly by the best of dogs.

    And they by you (us) - love is a blessed event.

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