HCBC Event in Denver
Awww…what a cutie!
Who are Medjai's parents? I think he & Jackpot look alot alike! Jackpot's parents are Lucky & Bandit -
Too funny, that toy didn't need feet anyway! :p
It looks like our boys have the same dad. :D
Oh, I didn't realize that Bandit was the dam (I guess I just assumed Bandit was a "boys name" and had to have been the sire) LOL That's what I get for not looking at the AKC papers closely enough before I posted last time LOL. I can't wait for Jackpot to meet some of his half-brothers/sisters if we can arrange some get togethers in the future (summer?).
We didn't end up going (long story…but our houseguests were still in town and then we had to take Jackpot to the vet for what we thought was a UTI...but turned out to not be a big deal)...so no pictures. I DEFINATELY want to go next year though! I'm sad we missed it. Maybe we can arrange a B-get-together sometime this summer with you and Michael (& our B's of course)!How was the show in Brighton? You were showing right?