Anyone know this breeder?

  • I have to say that you all are wonderful.
    We have the foster home set up for next sat, that is the day of "sale".
    I am hopeful we can post some photos soon and give a nice report of this b's temperment.
    Hugs to you all.

  • I sent money as well. I presume it was received. I got confirmation from PayPal that it was sent, but nothing else???

  • @TuckerVA:

    I sent money as well. I presume it was received. I got confirmation from PayPal that it was sent, but nothing else???

    Oh, I'm sorry. I thought I'd emailed you directly.:(

    yes, I got your money.Thanks!;)

  • How much more money is needed? Vanessa and I would like to contribute.

  • Well, I have $240 now, and am expecting $35 more tomorrow….

    So, that'd leave $25 still needed to hit the full $300.

  • Just sent $25.

  • Thanks Nina and Alex; your contributions are in.

    Now, to get the gal to pin point a time…..

  • We are still set up for this coming sat.
    I have someone who will do a short term foster until Lisa, the long term if needed, foster is back into town.
    JoNell, if your folks are all set, we are!

  • We are a go for this Saturday afternoon!

    I'm taking Keoki and/or Jazz to see how they interact. Hopefully, they'll play well together.
    I'm excited!

  • This is awesome. We should start a sidebar to BRAT where we can do these types of things on a regular basis. I'd certainly like to put money I donate annually to a cause that is 'closer to home' for me - something like this.


    Otherwise, I'll just send $$$ to Brat!

  • This is great news!

    We are currently working with BRAT (Sharron) on setting up a more formal process for fundraising for these types of events by BF members.

    Please stay tuned for a post from us regarding fundraising.

  • Just a reminder.
    BRAT's donations are all tax deductable.
    I am happy to help with funding for getting basenjis out of the paper…but it won't be a tax deductable donation.
    This is fyi.

  • I hope someone will post a picture of the little guy for us all to see. That would be really great.


  • I have never tried to post to this forum, not very good on the computer, but maybe the foster home mom can, and give us updates.
    Its neat, I am excited to help this boy move to his new home.
    I love that feeling.
    Hugs to all of you who helped…

  • If the dog ends up in BRAT's hands, then there will eventually be a picture on the available rescues portion of the site. We'll just need to know his/her name. 🙂

  • Laugh! Of course.
    I will get you all the info once we see this b.
    I bet we can get photos from the foster home first.. They are computer smart.
    watch this site, you see this b boy here first Laugh.

  • I plan to take my camera and snap photos at pick up. You know I'll have them here by Saturday night!!

    Unless….I forget my camera, which with my mind, is a very real possibility!

  • @Alex:

    This is great news!

    We are currently working with BRAT (Sharron) on setting up a more formal process for fundraising for these types of events by BF members.

    Please stay tuned for a post from us regarding fundraising.

    I thought this was "taboo" for this Forum? There are many areas that need fund raising, the Health Endowment for one and also as far as rescue, Medfly is certainly in need of funds. IMO, BRAT gets lots of donations, go look at their financials. You (the adminstration) would not let me post about the girl that MedFly had in southern Ca that needs surgery and they were asking for donations to help her…. That was as needed as you can get and certainly a great cause. I find it a bit hypocritical that if you are going to do fund raising that you are limiting to BRAT

    Please note, I am NOT saying that this is not a good cause.... and glad that people would like to help this boy...

  • While I can see your point, it's still up to each individual to decide how they want to spend their donation money… Perhaps the policy should be changed and a section be added to BF for just that...donations and special needs/suggestions. However, noone should feel pressured to make a donation to ANY organization.

    Just because BRAT gets lots of donations doesn't mean people should reconsider a donation to them for another, equally as worthy cause.

    I think that people, by nature, are more prone to donate to causes that are more personal for themselves. If you have a child with autism, you'll probably be more prone to donate towards autism charities.

    As far as me personally, in this particuliar case, it was a landslide for me. I watched Oprah, it made me really sad, this came up and I decided I wanted to potentially help in saving a dog's life. Cause and effect, I suppose.

    Perhaps your concern might be my fault as I was the one who initially volunteered money to this cause. For that I aologize, if I have broken protocol here.

  • Thank you to everyone who supported and contributed to this fundraiser upto now!

    This particular fundraiser was a great effort that brought everyone together and showed the real power of Basenji Forums community. We are proud that we could help. In order to facilitate any future fundraiser activity on Basenji Forums Sharron Hurlbut from BRAT setup a dedicated fundraiser paypal account for Basenji Forums.

    That way from now on we will have an official fundraiser account and everyone can feel more comfortable donating their money to and be sure that the money is managed by a trusted third party. This account is not limited to BRAT it will be used for all types of fundraisers initiated by Basenji Forums members. But it will be at our discretion only whether to allow and when to allow these fundraisers.

    Fundraising introduces unnecessary complexity and liability for BF staff, so we are very strict and sensitive about that subject. Too many people get scammed and money gets stolen on the internet all the time, hence our cautious nature about doing fundraisers on our forums.

    Lets stay on topic here. Tanza if you want to contribute or to discuss this privately with us please send us a private email to

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