Anyone know this breeder?

  • I just want to say I can see the confusion.
    I am a BRAT person.
    BUT this $$$ is not BRAT's. Its forum.
    Brat doesn't buy dogs from the paper. puppymills closing is different
    This is a dog, brought to the attention by a forum member, and RESCUED by the forum members after you all decided to help.
    This fund will be used for THAT type of thing.
    I am not going to be in "charge", but just hold the funds if these does happen again.
    So, if someone else wants to bring a basenji who is in need to this venue and
    the group decided to rally, as you all have done here, I will collect the funds and keep an accounting for all to see.
    Hopefully, I have cleared up MY understanding of this.
    Again, I am all for helping the dogs.
    What you have done for this little basenji boy is give him a real great break.
    He will not be going into an unknowing home..
    The folks who get him will be totally knowing that a basenji is not a cocker or lab.
    THANK you all for this wonderful gift for this boy.
    I am so happy to be part of this group.
    So, if this is clear, we can look forward to photos of this little guy and reports from the foster homes he will be in!

  • So as I understand it: This fund can be used not just to help buy a basenji so it can be properly placed BUT we can also designate some of the money for a case such as the one that Pat mentioned, where a rescue organization such as Medfly or Brat has a dog that needs some specialized medical care or surgery?

    If so, this certainly seems like a great solution.


  • Pat, it won't be up to me. I am pretty sure you all have that point. laugh.
    I think it will be up to forum Admin and the forum members.

    I, for one, think it would be a good thing to help…whatever this group deems worthy. Be it a single dog, or a basenji group who has a special needs.

  • @BasenjiDiva:

    So as I understand it: This fund can be used not just to help buy a basenji so it can be properly placed BUT we can also designate some of the money for a case such as the one that Pat mentioned, where a rescue organization such as Medfly or Brat has a dog that needs some specialized medical care or surgery?

    If so, this certainly seems like a great solution.


    You are absolutely correct. Members will decide which cause to donate to, but it will need to be run by the forum staff first and the fundraising process will be managed by Sharron.

  • I have the foster home all set up for this move tomorrow.
    All we have to do is touch bases after you get the dog.
    Can you bring him up to Silverdale?
    Please post to me at home.
    My foster mom will be on standby from 3pm on…

  • Harley, is a big, oversized basenji of very sweet temperment.
    The foster family is delighted at his sweetness and loving to ride in the car!
    The former owners have done a very nice job socialized him.
    I think JoNell will be posting some photos soon.
    You helped a sweet basenji boy go into a nice basenji smart family.

  • I meant to add that JoNell and her friend did a great job, to post this boy to you, and to go get him from the sellers home.
    A very nice basenji boy we can place in a good home.
    You all probably can't tell how happy I am!!!
    Hugs to you all.

  • I have the paperwork from the pet shop if anyone wishes to contact me off forum, unless you want me to put it here..I am thinking maybe not??
    Anyway, the top of the form says BJ's and Guys and in the center of the form, looks very much like the AKC forms I have seen says this puppy is registered with the American's Pet Registry.
    So, private inquires will be answered.
    go to the BRAT site and click on the Wa person, if you need to contact me…
    Again, hugs to all.

  • Harley is a VERY SWEET boy, based on my brief meeting with him. My friend and her daughter, who actually drove him to meet the BRAT contact, fell madly in love in just that short time.
    She repeatedly said, "If I didn't have such a cranky old fart for a husband, I'd keep him myself." LOL She was so emotional about him, and is hopeful he will find just the right home.

    I'll post a couple of photos as soon as I can get them from my phone! Dummy me, forgot to take my real camera.

  • Oh yeah, and my friend said to tell you all, even though she only "owned" him for a few minutes, she so very much appreciates that there are people out there who will give so freely to help dogs like Harley find good homes.
    She sends her deepest appreciation to everyone!

  • I send my deepest thanks to you JoNell!
    I would have never considered posting this boy to this venue.
    BUT you had the smarts to know that these folks really do care about b's and have helped us get this boy into the "right" home.
    So, thank you for all you have done to help one dog.
    With rescue, it really IS one dog at a time.
    This boy is very lucky.
    Thank you.

  • This is great! Can't wait to see the photos!

    Anyone who is interested in contacting Sharron or other BRAT volunteers privately
    can find their contact info here:

  • Thanks Alex, I have already had a few folks contact me re this boys background.

  • Sorry I don't have better photos. I can't believe I forgot my camera today…. ugrrr@me:mad: .

  • Honey, those photos just didn't come through?

  • @sharronhurlbut:

    Honey, those photos just didn't come through?

    Hmm, they show up fine on my computer. Weird.

    Try this link then:

  • Aw he is a handsome boy! I'm glad members on the forum were able to come together for the betterment of a basenji 🙂

  • He is very sweet as well.
    The owner who had him did a very good job in socialization of this boy when he was younger.
    THANK you all again for helping this boy.

  • Harley is gorgeous! I'm so happy that he is in good hands. Harley has many angels on his side.

  • Yes, angels in deed!:D
    They are all on the forum!
    I am trying to get photos for you all to see.
    The foster home reports this boy is so sweet.
    Wants to sit by everyone, as close as he can be without
    being on the persons lap…

    She said, Oh, he doesn't do all the "bad" things b's do~
    So, giving credit where its due, the first owner did right by this boy.
    And you all did great by getting him into rescue.;)
    Thank you all again.

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