New to forum- Should have posted here first

  • Laugh, I have a "deaf" basenji into rescue…the folks who know b's ask..
    "how can you tell your b's deaf"??
    My don't listen at all...

  • Welcome to the forum! We love our photos!!! 🙂

  • Here is Jack "helping" unpack. About 5 minutes after this picture, he curled up into a little ball and fall asleep.


  • OMG….He is so cute I could just die...what a sweet furbaby you have. 🙂

  • How did he lose his ear? Did they say?

  • Yeah- his mom ate it after having the litter. She had done it the year before with a puppy she had and only took off half the ear. The same woman rescued her as rescued my Jackaroo.

    I just wonder why? Was she hungry? Stressed? All of the above? Was there something wrong with Jack?

  • I have seen a cat eating her kittens, as soon as being born, and it as on a farm, no stress that we knew of, and she was well fed.

    The dam is in a puppy mill?? Could be stress then or she is just not right in her head especially if she did it before!

  • I feel for the poor mom, honestly. Having a litter once a year, being kept in a teeny tiny cage…...If i had babies once a year, they were all taken from me as early as possible, and I was kept in a teeny tiny kennel at all times, there would something not right in my head too.

    The woman who runs the shelter told me that Jack would have probably led a similar life in a puppy mill. Since he had only one ear, they wouldn't be able to send him to a pet store, even though he makes a great pet. Is he going to win any dog shows? Probably not. Is he the most fun friend I have? Definitely.

    Unfortunately I will be at work while the Oprah Puppy Mill show will be on, but I am excited to hear what everyone thinks of the show. I have been watching that thread as well, and I do hope that they present a balanced view, but even more than that, I hope it shows people that pet stores are not a good way to find a pet, ironic as that may be.

  • Hey WELCOME to you & JACK!! 🙂 Your little guy is adorable!!! It's funny he looks like our other Capt Jackers 😃 😃 Maybe they're related.

    My breeder is Mass. so there must be a bunch of B owners nearby.

  • Thanks so much to everyone for the warm welcome.

    Jackaroo and I had a very relaxing weekend- lots of sleeping on the couch. The Husband comes home tomorrow (after 6 weeks on the road) and I know Jack will be so happy to see him!

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