Nina - our Basenji/Shepherd mix
Hey, Lovemybaroo, do I notice a tatoo on the underside of your B? The reason I ask, is my B Tosca (who we got from a shelter in Iowa) has one almost identical to it, but smaller and darker on her stomach. I am not sure if it is a tatoo or not (or am I looking at a um…male part? The pic was hard to tell :) ) but if it is I was wondering how he got it. I am asking because even though we got Tosca from a shelter she is originally from California, so I didn't know if it was a common breeder symbol or anything. And if its not a tatoo, just consider me dumb, but like I said the shape (Cross with circle) is almost identical to Tosca's tatoo. I have just always been trying to figure out why she was tatoo'ed, since the vet said a breeder would usually just tatoo a number on her, not a picture. Thanks!
Breeders/owners that tatoo Basenji typically use their AKC reg #, not typically shapes/pictures. Mine have tatoos, inside hind leg. However now with the Chips for ID, tatoo's are not that common even with breeders any longer. When my person that used to do tatoo's local retired… I went to the chip
Hi Andrea-
I really appreciate your thoughtful answer. Makes a lot of sense to me. Many thanks for taking the time to share it. I'm sure it will help other owner's as well.
Al -
Hey, Lovemybaroo, do I notice a tatoo on the underside of your B? The reason I ask, is my B Tosca (who we got from a shelter in Iowa) has one almost identical to it, but smaller and darker on her stomach. I am not sure if it is a tatoo or not (or am I looking at a um…male part? The pic was hard to tell :) ) but if it is I was wondering how he got it. I am asking because even though we got Tosca from a shelter she is originally from California, so I didn't know if it was a common breeder symbol or anything. And if its not a tatoo, just consider me dumb, but like I said the shape (Cross with circle) is almost identical to Tosca's tatoo. I have just always been trying to figure out why she was tatoo'ed, since the vet said a breeder would usually just tatoo a number on her, not a picture. Thanks!
lol! no, he doesn't have a tattoo. Thats his "male parts" you are looking at! And although I don't know much about his breeder, I do know he didn't come from this state. Interesting that your dog has a tattoo though…
And if its not a tatoo, just consider me dumb, but like I said the shape (Cross with circle) is almost identical to Tosca's tatoo. I have just always been trying to figure out why she was tatoo'ed, since the vet said a breeder would usually just tatoo a number on her, not a picture. Thanks!
My guess is that it is a tattoo to indicate she has been spayed. I've seen it before in other shelter dogs.
These comments about tattoos have nothing to do with my dog Nina. They relate to another dog's picture sent to a post of mine.
Here's our mixed boy!
Hi there-
Great looking dog…we found our Nina is most likely a mix of Aussie Kelpie and Aussie Cattle Dog, maybe! After two inconclusive DNA tests, because they can't yet test Kelpies/Cattledogs, we do know she's not Basenji. We recently had her do a herding test and she drove the sheep all over the pen! I think we now have a clue! Best of luck-
Al -
That's interesting. When we adopted him, the shelter said he was Kelpie and Shepherd, but our vet said Basenji and Shepherd. We gave some thought to the DNA testing, but we weren't curious enough for the cost. :)
I don't see the Kelpie, but Vets, god love 'em, don't seem to be experts about breeds…being in Colorado, you might have Kelpies or Australian Shepards or even Cattle dog mixes as they have in the Kingman, AZ area where Nina came from.
Welcome and what a cute girl.. she has a great face!!!