• @sharronhurlbut:

    Its always scary when they have something like this and its a sun.
    Pat, do you think this is an Em room run?

    As long as she is fine other that then, eating, drinking, not in pain… I would think it can wait...

  • Both the Spca and Vet said so, and We've had her since Octber,a nd she has never done this. and She is 2.5-3 years old. I think I see the scar. But You Never Know. It sure looks like it. Let me call the SPCA and see what they say. I'll BRB

  • But then again I am NOT a Vet… mostly people need to go with their gut feeling...

  • Yeah- I think I'm waiting unless seh shows that she can't . Le t me take her for a walk and check w/ SPCA and I'll check back in here a bit later. thanks for ALL of your help. Keep my baby in your good thoughts today.

  • She would have swelling if she was coming into season yes?
    I have not had an intact female, so am asking…

  • O.K. I just got off the phone with them and they said she was spayed "per teh owner"…Argh! I can't really find a scar. And she has her Due Claws(spell?)...She is swollen down there, and not complaining a bit. The SPCA said to call and tomorrow,a nd they will mail the certificate to have her spayed there. I am so angry! Why do they trust owners who drop off many dogs at one time. Did the vet not look at her? O-well...She could have gotten prego's in that kennel(SPCA)...I didn't know they only have heat approx every 6-9 months. We've only had her since Mid-Oct.. I'll keep you posted. Its heat! I just know it is!

  • hahah…funny, I think I was posting while you were. I answered your question--yes swelling!

  • @massagemom3:

    O.K. I just got off the phone with them and they said she was spayed "per teh owner"…Argh! I can't really find a scar. And she has her Due Claws(spell?)...She is swollen down there, and not complaining a bit. The SPCA said to call and tomorrow,a nd they will mail the certificate to have her spayed there. I am so angry! Why do they trust owners who drop off many dogs at one time. Did the vet not look at her? O-well...She could have gotten prego's in that kennel(SPCA)...I didn't know they only have heat approx every 6-9 months. We've only had her since Mid-Oct.. I'll keep you posted. Its heat! I just know it is!

    Most Basenjis usually only have a season once a year…. some have twice a year, but typically only once and usually in the Fall. But there are those Basenjis that don't read the book... but sounds like she is in season to me. And you can't have her spayed while she is in season, so you need to be careful with her around any other dogs that might be in tact.... Honestly too, I can't find the scars on my kids after I have had them spayed.

    And one other FYI, you might want to consider having her spayed with your own Vet, this is not a slam against the SPCA or any other SPCA, however sometimes they do not use the best of Vets for spay/neuter surgeries. And while it is a routine surgery, if not done right you can have problems for the rest of her life with her leaking urine....

  • Its really crummy the old owners set her up for this season.
    I am always shocked at how some people are re pets.
    Glad you paid attention so you don't have any pups coming your way.

  • And if she is in season, for Basenjis it is 28-30 days… She might have started a few days ago, as they are very good about keeping themselves clean when they first come into season... even veteran breeders can miss it...

  • We just noticed Nexa is coming into heat yesterday, we'll have to see how Leo does. We kenneled them last weekend, I don't know if another female at the kennel brought it on or if she is just going on of those odd basenjis. Leo is neutered, but I'm sure we're still in for some excitement. Good luck with Sally, I feel your pain:(

  • @tanza:

    And one other FYI, you might want to consider having her spayed with your own Vet, this is not a slam against the SPCA or any other SPCA, however sometimes they do not use the best of Vets for spay/neuter surgeries. And while it is a routine surgery, if not done right you can have problems for the rest of her life with her leaking urine….

    What Pat said. I'd also ask to have the pre-blood work done. This is rather "optional" with younger animals, but I always have it done. And, given her age, it will serve as a nice baseline for future blood work ups.

  • @agilebasenji:

    What Pat said. I'd also ask to have the pre-blood work done. This is rather "optional" with younger animals, but I always have it done. And, given her age, it will serve as a nice baseline for future blood work ups.

    Amen and thanks for the reminder about bloodwork…. It is very important IMO... I never have anything done without bloodwork regardless of the age...

  • Yes, bloodwork is the way to go.
    Gives you a base line and can help see issues that might crop up in the future.
    I always do the blood check regardless of age.
    Also, ask if they know how to put b's under sedation.
    Extra important to have them do it right.

  • I have called the vet and I set her surgery for April 21st. She did pretty well, considering her situation and now she is recovering from a urinary infection. But its cleared up!

  • I will keep a prayer for your basenji girl.

  • I never want to go through heat again. I mean Sally doesn't want to go thru heat!

  • Laugh, I know what you meant, neither of you want to have to do this again!

  • Did you check her out on the photo journal for them in beds? I posted a new message for you in there.

  • Oh, dear, I miss it.
    How do I access it?
    I am not that great with computers Laugh, like you all didn't know that!

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