• Chew resistant?? Surely you jest! With a Basenji? Shadow chewed a black kong to pieces-I wouldn't trust a basenji with anything. If they do make something that is Basenji resistant please let me know! (sorry, I have a warped sense of humour)

  • Ha, I assumed that was the reply I'd get. Maybe something in a lovely kevlar?

    Tana's just getting up there in years and I'd like to give him something softer to sit on when we're at work or other long periods. Any type of bedding, he'll just pee on, so I was hoping for something that could just be wiped off.

    Hmm, the search continues.

  • haha, it deffinately won't be chew resistant, but you could use an old life preserver.

  • I know Petco sells a flat bed u put in the crate/truck and it's made of like a rubber matriel not quite sure what its made of it looks like rubber but i don't know exacly but it's wipeable As far as Chew resistant ?? i doubt it i have yet to find something that is but as far as comfortable and cleanable i would suggest that. Can't help ya with the chew resistant though lol

  • Have you checked Kuranda Dog Beds yet? They have several Crate Bed models, which they claim "Our patented chewproof design safely tucks the fabric inside the sturdy PVC frame so there are no exposed fabric edges making this a comfortable and safe bed for those who like to chew their bedding. Our crate beds fit most standard size wire crates. Crate not included."

    (my first post here, been lurking and learning for a few months. This is the first time I thought I might have useful input. When I get the butterflies out of my stomach, I'll introduce myself and my basenji, 10 yr old Ruby).

  • @LSanders:

    Ha, I assumed that was the reply I'd get. Maybe something in a lovely kevlar?

    Tana's just getting up there in years and I'd like to give him something softer to sit on when we're at work or other long periods. Any type of bedding, he'll just pee on, so I was hoping for something that could just be wiped off.

    Hmm, the search continues.

    Last year I bought a "guaranteed indestructable" pad for a dog crate โ€“ I do believe it was kevlar. Lasted less than 24 hours w/Keoki.

    I did get my money back!! LOL Good luck!

  • Medjai has chewed up several crate pads, but I did get one at petsmart 2 months ago, (i'm not sure the brand) that has a little leather square on it that says precision pet products. He actually loves it and won't chew it up. I would get a bigger one for his kennel if he spent more than 10-15 minutes in there. (just for him to eat)

  • There is no such thing as "indestructable" when it comes to basenjis.
    Why not just try some old towels (that's what I did when I first got EL D). It's easy to wash them if he pees and even if he tears them up some (unless totolly gone) you can still use them.

  • in some other post I can't find now tanza recommended a crate pad available at http://www.omahavaccine.com

    Also, Zip's breeder cautioned us against using towels in the crate because they can be unraveled into long threads and if they get swallowed they could really cause problems. She said flannel is a better choice.

  • We use fleece blankets. For some reason they rarely will chew on them. Towels will be ripped to shreds. My loving husband mistakenly put one of the cushiony dog beds with stuffing in one day and came home to stuffing everywhere. But for some odd reason they won't destroy the $5 fleece I got them from Big Lots 2 years ago!! Wow, I hadn't realized it lasted that long!

  • this may be arkward as i live in england not the usa but a place called pets at home sells them here if you have anything simmaler then you could look there and if all else fails, try ebay!

  • Orvis just sent me a catalog.
    They have toys, blankets and beds called ToughChews.
    I have not gotten any, as my dogs just chew on raw bones..
    but here is the site.
    I am not part of this company, except my husband buys a ton of stuff from them!

  • @RajandDuke:

    We use fleece blankets. For some reason they rarely will chew on them. Towels will be ripped to shreds. My loving husband mistakenly put one of the cushiony dog beds with stuffing in one day and came home to stuffing everywhere. But for some odd reason they won't destroy the $5 fleece I got them from Big Lots 2 years ago!! Wow, I hadn't realized it lasted that long!

    It's all so individual-dog dependent.

    Someone here had suggested fleece to me, so I went for it. I bought several different grades of fleece, from super cheap to high quality. NONE of it lasted. I started with the cheap and we worked our way through to the pricey. It all wound up looking like swiss cheese โ€“ Keoki would never chew the ends, but chewed big holes all over the fabric.

    I know I say this a lot about him, but... goofy dog.

  • Thanks for the suggestions everyone- Tana's really more of a pee-er than a chewer, so I was hoping for something vinyl-covered (or similar) that could be wiped off if he pees on it.

    Washing towels/blankets all the time is easier said than done because we're in a condo without our own washer/dryer, so I do laundry about 1-2 times a week at my parent's house.

    But, I think it's worth it to try a fleece blanket and hope it lasts awhile.

  • We have to do laundry daily too. Chance is quite the pee'er

  • @LSanders:

    Thanks for the suggestions everyone- Tana's really more of a pee-er than a chewer, so I was hoping for something vinyl-covered (or similar) that could be wiped off if he pees on it.

    Washing towels/blankets all the time is easier said than done because we're in a condo without our own washer/dryer, so I do laundry about 1-2 times a week at my parent's house.

    But, I think it's worth it to try a fleece blanket and hope it lasts awhile.

    Actually, Ruby went about a month when I first got her where she would pee (I tried wool blankets, towels, everything I could think of). Then I bought 2 cheap fleece throws at LLBean's factory storeโ€ฆand there ended the peeing. I was kind of amazed.

    Needless to say, everytime I go to the outlet now and they have some throws on the shelves, I stock up (range in price for $9.99 - $14). Not to mention the drying of fleece takes about a quarter of the time that blankets or towels do.

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