• I'd bet it's the coat that is causing problems, especially if it's only in the 50's. I take EL D for walks as low as the teens (coats don't go on until 30's). Like Jylly, EL D hates for the coat to be covering his tail - he'll stop and try to yank the coat off or sometimes try to chew the leash - but once I fix the coat he's fine. The only times EL D won't go for a walk are when the real temp or wind chill temp goes below 0F and when it rains.

    As for training treats, I chop up various things into small tidbits and never give him the whole piece. That way EL D gets a treat for doing something correctly but is not pigging out.

  • I'm probably the last person anyone should ask about whether it's cold out because my basis for comparison is home (Maui). 50's?!?! Brrrrrrr.
    And I'm likely projecting that onto Zip. I'll keep in mind that she doesn't need to be quite as bundled up as I do!
    She did better this morning. I think it helps to change up our walking route, she stays more interested that way. There was a crossing guard who asked what kind of dog she was and when I replied she said "That's what I thought". Now there's a rare response. Usually it's "A what?"

  • Call me crazy..but our dogs don't wear coats…ever. I had one for Querk when he was tiny...but he hated it. They go outside to potty when it is cold (like 11 degrees) and come in quickly after finishing. If it is 30 degrees or warmer, they will spend time cruising around the yard. If we are going for a walk, we won't usually do it if it is below freezing...but anything up above that and they are fine for 20-30 minutes. These are TOUGH little dogs, particularly if they are enjoying what they are doing. If she isn't enjoying her walk, try making it shorter, and finding more ways to burn energy inside 🙂

  • See its freezing here right now and the dogs dont like to be out much but caira is real stubborn. daily we have to force her to go out, i mean pick her up and shove her out the door to relieve herself but she will hold it for hours man i dont knw how she does it.

  • Treats: Slice the hotdog length wise into quarters. Then slice thin pieces cross wise. Put the hot dog pieces in a bag/bowl with her regular dog food and cook in the microwave for about 5 sec. The dogfood will absorb the hotdog juice and become yummier (so sayeth the dog).

    I put coats on my kids if it is in the teens or below or if it is in the 20's and windy. (We get HIGH winds here. I can always tell when that happened because it will rearrange my agility equipment.) My kids don't mind it but I think it does help to tell the pup how hansome/beautiful he/she looks in it.

    Also - mental stimulation will also tire a dog.

  • Sahara hates to be cold, if it's cold she shakes like crazy. She will go outside though, anything to go off with Mommie, or to play. We play fetch out in the yard, and I like to chase her in the house to burn energy. She does the B-500 and it wears me and her out. She has lots of coats, just got a new one for her 2nd B-day, faux fur collar, and it has legs. She has never not wanted to go for a walk no matter how cold.

  • Sahara hates to be cold, if it's cold she shakes like crazy. She will go outside though, anything to go off with Mommie, or to play. We play fetch out in the yard, and I like to chase her in the house to burn energy. She does the B-500 and it wears me and her out. She has lots of coats, just got a new one for her 2nd B-day, faux fur collar, and it has legs. She has never not wanted to go for a walk no matter how cold, but the coat is a must. haha!!!!

  • there are a lot of things you can try like cheese or chicken (deboned, we dont want the dog to choke) and when he stops just coax him along with a treat.

    also is there a park near where he can be let offf his leash, it hellped my dog

  • Also, your attitude is key.
    If you think and act like its a big hassle, it will be.
    I start with, happy light tones, we are going WALKIEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSS.
    By the time we are in the garage and getting the rain coats on, the dogs think it will just be wonderful..
    It does help to get them out and moving with the right mindset.

  • A coupple of issues in this thread! (Way to multi-task here people!)

    Treats: the whole "upset tummy" is definately a too much of a good thing issue. Whatever you decide to treat with, make them very small and just watch how much you give. My dogs go nuts for bologna or plain ham. Cheese is the perenial favorite, but never underestimate the power of a "Good Boy!!"

    Coats & "Cold" Weather: My boys have it rough. Living in the Midwest, it is not uncomming to spend all witner in the single digits (not counting windchill which often kicks us into the negative teens, if not worse). Both boys have dog coats made by Lands End in the same style (and cold weather specifications) as their Squall jacket series. It consists of an easy belly band and front chest closure meathod. No worries about tails or legs. Easy on, easy off. And my boys live in them during the winter. Dogs, just like people, quickly acclimate to the weather. If we deicde it's "Cold" at 50 degrees, they start to feel that way. If we decide 50 is downright balmy, the dogs learn that too.

    Walking: Oh, the perenial issue of B's! I agree with many of the posters here: it's all in the tone and your attitude. If you decide to be upbeat and positive and decisive, the B will follow! (But probably will quit at mile 6 if he hasn't had his ice cream yet… grin)

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