• I have called a breeder in the past that was not the breeder that i got my dogs from and got denied… it's worth a shot though!

  • I'd say it is worth a shot as well. The other thing is that if they can't take him, perhaps they know of a good place to board him…I'd ask both questions.

    Good luck.

  • @TuckerVA:

    There is a local breeder here that is about an hour away. Perhaps I should call them…

    Do any of you know of have you heard of any of the following breeders?

    Itzyu Basenjis
    KISA Basenjis
    Thor Basenjis
    Wakan Basenjis

    Perhaps it's 'bad form' to call them and ask such a question...

    I know all of the above, however, remember that most breeders do not have kennel situations and have their own packs. It is mighty hard sometimes to intergrate an adult to a pack… and also if they have pups, they will be very hesitant in taking in a strange dog, regardless of who it comes from... but they just might know of a good boarding kennel....

  • In addition to checking out the kennels in my immediate area, I was planning on contacting my breeder (she shows a lot so haven't been able to yet). Not so much to see if she would board but more to see if she could refer me to other kennels in the wider area. I would think breeders might be able to help in this respect.

  • Hey there- We're in Virginia too… I will have to talk to Hubby to see if we could host your dog- although my guy says it will probably be a "no". But it's worth a shot to ask. And we would definitely have to meet up before to see if our kids got along alright--

    But if that doesn't work out, we boarded our kids together at Old Mill for 7 days. Miles had not been boarded and Lexi hadn't in years. But they both did fine and they had nothing to report at the office when we picked them up. I really liked them and they seemed to take the time and care. We were able to put them in a run together and also had potty/play time. We wanted a run that was completely enclosed in case they decided to climb the fence. And they also got extra blankets.


    Also- try a "local" search on Dogster– they have personal reviews of every type of place you'd ever want- vets, kennels, parks, shops, etc.

  • That was me, I mentioned Holly Ridge Manor. When I just had Chase he went to daycare there quite a bit, once we got Zahra they went a few times.

    Holly Ridge is very popular around here and fills up fast. They are a little pricey but worth it.



    I do remember a place someone recommended called Holly Ridge Manor in Chesapeake VA. Maybe you can check it out as another option & decide from there. I really liked that place. And YES I was willing to drive from NJ to VA for a good boarding place :eek: :eek: Instead I found a place in Boston that was only 4hrs away that was very good.

  • We board our boys at Cresthill Kennels. It exit 118 off 95. Check out the website. We've left our boys there for up to 12 or so days and they've come home happy. The kennel is right on site with the owners house. They also breed labs, so you know they love dogs. Not to mention our boys!!


    On another note- we've been dying for the boys to make some friends! Since you're in the VA area (or anyone else who is around here too!) we should try to set up some play dates! 😃


  • @BDawg:

    Hey there- We're in Virginia too… I will have to talk to Hubby to see if we could host your dog- although my guy says it will probably be a "no". But it's worth a shot to ask. And we would definitely have to meet up before to see if our kids got along alright--

    But if that doesn't work out, we boarded our kids together at Old Mill for 7 days. Miles had not been boarded and Lexi hadn't in years. But they both did fine and they had nothing to report at the office when we picked them up. I really liked them and they seemed to take the time and care. We were able to put them in a run together and also had potty/play time. We wanted a run that was completely enclosed in case they decided to climb the fence. And they also got extra blankets.


    Also- try a "local" search on Dogster– they have personal reviews of every type of place you'd ever want- vets, kennels, parks, shops, etc.

    Thanks for checking into this. Let me know if you want/can to host. Tucker is aggressive so I would worry about a couple things… One, that he might bite you or a family member and Two, the he might cause trouble with your dogs. I have a reservation at Dulles Gateway, so I'm covered. I'm not sure about Old Mill, though. MOST vets that I've encountered, will only board if you are a current 'patient'. My vet (Alexandria Animal Hospital) says you have to have been a patient for 6 months prior to boarding your dog. Their kennel sucks, so I'd never use them.

    I will most likely go with Dulles because my GF is going to Belgium with me and she has a sheepdog. Fortunately, her dog and Tuck get along. Her dog, as most sheepdogs do, nips Tucker all the friggin' time and it pisses me off, but it's probably the type of interaction with dogs that Tucker needs because, if you can believe this, Tucker is often scared of her. Yes, he's finally been humbled (and overpowered by an 80lb dog). Her nips aren't nips that lead to bleeding or anything, as I think she is trying to initiate play with him and it takes 10-15 minutes for Tucker to realize she's not hurting him, and then they play. We're going to board them together and tell Dulles they can run them and allow them play time together (Dulles monitors play time and the runs). Boarding them together means we can drop them and pick them up and all that crap that involves preplanning at the same time. It's just convenient.

  • Some Basenjis actually get along better with other Basenjis..(weird, I know..but it's true!). My dogs are typically defensive with other dogs…but seem less so with Basenjis. I proved this at our Basenji Club potluck last summer.

  • @jys1011:

    Some Basenjis actually get along better with other Basenjis..(weird, I know..but it's true!). My dogs are typically defensive with other dogs…but seem less so with Basenjis. I proved this at our Basenji Club potluck last summer.

    Basenjis are the ONLY dogs {besides Gypsy} that my two won't initiate aggression with… most of the time. I mean, they ARE Basenjis and so prone to bitchiness! LOL

  • In as much as I would love to host, my hubby is not on board with it. But it sounds like you have it figured out already. That's good. Sorry I couldn't do more! As for Old Mill- you don't have to go to their vet to stay at their kennel. But you do have to be up to date on shots.

  • @TuckerVA:

    I am going to Belgium for a week late in February (16th - 24th) and haven't boarded Tucker for more than a couple days to date. Is there any reason why I should be worried about leaving him for that long? The kennel I used at that time seemed to do a very good job with Tucker and he came home seemingly happy. I guess I'm just a concerned 'parent' and am a bit apprehensive for leaving him for so long… (almost 10 days)

    Anyone want to host my dog for 10 days? I'll pay! 🙂 I'm in Virginia if anyone actually gives this some thought... Hee hee.

    My wife and I B-sit for several B owners in No. VA and MD. In fact, we are petsitting 2 B's and a B-mix for a couple that's on vacation for a week. My wife is the MD & DE coordinator for BRAT, and we live in Southern MD. We have 4 of our own B's. We will not travel unless one of our B-owning friends is able to watch our 4 B's because kenneling is not something we care for.

    We tend to charge $20/day for each B. If given specific instructions for meds, sleeping patterns, behavior patterns, etc, we will do everything possible to accommodate.

    If interested, send me a PM, and I'll see if it can be worked out.

  • Magnum's breeder is always willing to board. I've only had to do it once (for four days), but he came back his normal, happy self. Although I'm sure he didn't get the human lovin' he gets here at home, he got a lot of doggy interaction, which he doesn't get here at home.

    Since Mag's breeder is within a 1/2-hour drive from us, it was a no brainer. I realize that that's not generally possible, but, if you're close enough, it's definitely something to check out.

    Also, since we didn't get Magnum 'til he was over a year old, he was very acclimated to his breeder's environment. When we dropped him off, he was so happy to see his breeder and her family and his old-time buddies, he didn't even wave good-bye to us 😉 . That was important to me, too. And the rate of $5 a day didn't hurt either.

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