• My girl Cassi used to keep the squirrels on their toes. She caught a couple, and would often sit at the bottom of this large oak tree and challenge them to come down and play. 😉

  • Maggii when she was young did the same, she would sit at the bottom of the apple tree and just dare them to come closer… and when the moment was right... up the tree she went to pluck them out... She caught a total of 4, killed 3....

  • I would say, "Get a Doggie Door", and you won't have to let her out, she can let herself out. Some think they are not good, that other animals will use them. So far, 2 yrs. in Jan, I have not had another animal come through the door. I close it up when we go to bed, and besides Sahara would not allow another animal to come through. She is a great guard dog, she just doesn't bark. haha!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @youngandtired:

    I would say, "Get a Doggie Door", and you won't have to let her out, she can let herself out. Some think they are not good, that other animals will use them. So far, 2 yrs. in Jan, I have not had another animal come through the door. I close it up when we go to bed, and besides Sahara would not allow another animal to come through. She is a great guard dog, she just doesn't bark. haha!!!!!!!!!!!

    I have never had another animal try to come through the doggie door either and our b's are 16+ yrs old… however for those who might be concerned about them, you can close them off at night...

  • @tanza:

    I have never had another animal try to come through the doggie door either and our b's are 16+ yrs old.

    I'm guessing your older dogs are as disinterested in chasing other critters as mine is? Alex used to pulverize anything that was brave/stupid enough to come near his food. Now, if he walks away from his food bowl for 5 minutes, we've got a possum that will come finish it up for him. Sad thing is, he'll just sit there and watch it eat. :o

  • I have to ask, does any of your B's shake while watching the squirrels through the window? I don't know if Zahra is cold because it has been colder lately or if it has something to do with the squirrels that she is trying to get at through the window?

  • I have really thought about a doggie door but my concern isn't so much about other critters coming in. I'm concerned about my very young grandsons going out and/or getting stuck. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that they will view that as THEIR door! How big of a door do your basenjis need? Cory has only recently been willing to go outside without me being present. Now, if there are no squirrels in the yard, she'll go out and stay to do what needs to be done only if I stand at the back door. But at least I no longer have to go and walk around the yard with her. If a squirrel is out there - she doesn't care where I am or even if it is raining.


  • @ChaseandZahrasmom:

    I have to ask, does any of your B's shake while watching the squirrels through the window? I don't know if Zahra is cold because it has been colder lately or if it has something to do with the squirrels that she is trying to get at through the window?

    Oh yeah….Cory shakes when she sees squirrels. It is almost as if the excitement and anticipation make her quiver and shake. It is as if all her muscles have suddenly gone on "high alert"!! It is a different shake from what I see when Cory is either cold or is at the Vet's office.


  • @Craigh:

    I'm guessing your older dogs are as disinterested in chasing other critters as mine is? Alex used to pulverize anything that was brave/stupid enough to come near his food. Now, if he walks away from his food bowl for 5 minutes, we've got a possum that will come finish it up for him. Sad thing is, he'll just sit there and watch it eat. :o

    Nope… they are still interested...:p the youngest of the elders 13, Kristii still races in and out the doggie door after the squirrels.. as this time of year they bury their nuts in the lawn...:mad: Of course they are not as fast any more... but still come pretty close to catching!... And they eat with gusto thank goodness...

  • @ChaseandZahrasmom:

    I have to ask, does any of your B's shake while watching the squirrels through the window? I don't know if Zahra is cold because it has been colder lately or if it has something to do with the squirrels that she is trying to get at through the window?

    It is for sure the squirrels~!

  • @BasenjiDiva:

    I have really thought about a doggie door but my concern isn't so much about other critters coming in. I'm concerned about my very young grandsons going out and/or getting stuck. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that they will view that as THEIR door! How big of a door do your basenjis need? Cory has only recently been willing to go outside without me being present. Now, if there are no squirrels in the yard, she'll go out and stay to do what needs to be done only if I stand at the back door. But at least I no longer have to go and walk around the yard with her. If a squirrel is out there - she doesn't care where I am or even if it is raining.


    Medium size… works just fine... and well about the grandkids... that would be too funny to video!

  • When EL D is inside he watches the squirrels intently but only when they dare come up on the deck does he go nutso. He'll cry, he'll twirl, he'll race, he'll barely wait for me to open the door! He's caught plenty of rabbits but no squirrels so far.

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