What does DH stand for?!
i think it stands for the husband..lol…it took me a while to figure out and even now i'm still not sure
this has been bugging me becuase i cant figure out what DH stands for in peoples posts!! HELP!! lol
:) typically Dear Husband.
You'll also see DD – dear daughter, DS -- dear son, MIL and FIL, BIL and SIL -- mother, father, brother, sister -in law.OR depending on your mood at the moment, I suppose it could also be dmed husband, etc. :eek:
i was close. I figured it was like slang..dee husband..lol
OR depending on your mood at the moment, I suppose it could also be dmed husband, etc. :eek:
Or if it get's out of control it could be EH or EW as in exhusband or exwife:D
thanks! clears up my confusion! at first when i saw someone using it i thought it was the initials of their husband or wife or something, then i saw other people using it, and i was confused.. but now i get it!
I had to ask what it meant too DM, I had no clue either.:D