• I just got a copy of In The Company Of Dogs catalog today and lo and behold, there's a gorgeous brindle basenji named Raisin modelling a lovely $79.95 dog sweater w/ a matching $29.95 scarf (haha! little do they know that most senjis would turn that into a $79.95 dog toy and some $29.95 dental floss! 😉 🙂 ). It's on page 13 if anyone else gets this catalog and wants to check it out.

  • I hope this works…here is the pic of Raisin the Basenji from the catalog In The Company of Dogs. Not sure if this was the pic in the catalog, this pic was on their website where they previewed some of the dogs in the catalog.

  • OK I guess it worked and it is not the pic from the catalog since Raisin is not modeling the sweater and scarf. The caption next to this pic stated,
    DOES THIS LOOK LIKE YOUR HIGH SCHOOL YEARBOOK PICTURE? Our art director swears no school portrait exists of her grades 7-12. (It seems the photographer always snapped when her eyes were shut!) Even our incredible photographers occassionally snap a blink…but not often!
    IMO, Raisin looks beautiful with his eyes open or shut!::)

  • Found more pics of Raisin. I'm not sure if I am more excited about seeing a basenji in a catalog…or finally figuring out how to copy a pic to a different file and upload pics I didn't take!

  • Raisin is so cute, and such an expressive face!

  • Raisin is so darn cute! I saw him modelling the tie and also stretched out on a luxurious looking dog bed when I looked at the full catalog! Thanks for the pics, Jodie! They're great!

  • Oh yeah, I love the name Raisin for a basenji! All those wrinkles - it's perfect! 😃

  • OMG Rasin is adorable, I love all of the pics, the one with him with his eyes closed and the "smug" grin on his face is way to cute

  • What a great looking dog! I'd like to know what they used to bribe him (her?) to sit that long with that stupid tie. My EL D would have that shredded before the photographer finished snapping it on! 🙂

  • Love the tie on Rasin, pretty cool!:)

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