Out tri point's when he sees a squirrel, rabbit or other animal.
Standing upright he lifts his one paw up, freezes, while focused starring at the prey.
Anyone else's basenji do this. Our red does not.
Mica points all the time. Than she stalks. She points at chipmunks, squirrels, rabbits, kitties (well almost), almost anything that moves -birds?? She is real fast. For squirrels she takes a running leap and scales the sides of trees 6-8 eight feet high, up the bark and lands on the ground again. Her strength is growing in her pull. I think she does doggie pushups that way. She caught and shook (and koa) one little chipmunk the other day on a walk while on the pulley leash. It was so quick and it was one, two three shakes and I had to tell her to drop it after the fact a few times. But she did. Than I'm carrying the tiny dead thing by the tail to the dumpster and Mica is dancing circles around me, jumping, before it was flung into its earth drop. She is a real dog not just a play toy.
BaMicas Mom
Are any of these B's "play toys"? Seems they're all great and enthusiastic hunters if given half the chance. There's been more than one dead critter in our back yard since theses two moved in; and the heights that Jazz can reach on trees with no low limbs amazes me.
They are sweet and cuddly . . . . cold-blooded killers. :eek: