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Miss Teen South Carolina…...

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  • I hope this doesn't offend,but I thought it hilarious. Miss Teen South Carolina answers {???} a question:


    {I don't know how to post the video. Do you have to be a youtube member?}

    :eek: Anybody else saying, "WHAT????" LOL

    This is either why I homeschool . . . or why I never let my kids answer questions on national TV. LOL


  • OMG! My husband asked me if I had seen that on YouTube and we watched a little while ago! I LMAO…the comments on YouTube were funnier than the actual answer...(that is so sad, actually).
    Seriously, the comments...they are a riot!!

  • I can't get youtube, but is that the question as to why some people have a difficult time locating our country on a world map? I saw the clip on CNN today. I don't think the gal understood the question. I always tell my son, "If you don't understand something, ask questions." Some people don't believe that. I was looking for signs of intoxication when she was rambling . . . Very strange!

  • I have to say that if she didn't understand the question, it almost makes the situation worse. The question was pretty simply stated. And the rambling on about South Africa and Iraq and such…. scary.

  • @JazzysMom:

    I have to say that if she didn't understand the question, it almost makes the situation worse. The question was pretty simply stated. And the rambling on about South Africa and Iraq and such…. scary.

    Yes, it did make the situation way worse! What an example to show what happens when you don't understand what's being asked. :eek:

  • I think I would attribute it to a major and sudden case of stage fright! I think her brain just totally disconnected…luck for us to enjoy watching it ;)

  • @Quercus:

    I think I would attribute it to a major and sudden case of stage fright! I think her brain just totally disconnected…luck for us to enjoy watching it ;)

    She was just on the Today show. Yes, it was a combination of both, stage fright with disengaged mind. She said she only remembers hearing 2 words in the question. They asked her if she'd like another chance to answer the question. She did a splendid job. Short and sweet. :)

  • That's great to hear that she recovered from that and answered it coherently…I could never get up on stage like that... (although it was really funny to read the comments on YouTube…hee hee)

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