• From my BRAT list…sorry if you have seen it.

    for those interested below is an update regarding the Atlanta Falconsquarterback dog fighting investigation and link to NEW education materials

    Dear ASPCA Members and Supporters:

    I wanted to let you know personally that we have just announced that the ASPCA is currently assisting in the federal investigation against Atlanta Falcons quarterback Michael Vick and three other individuals, who were indicted on July 17 by a federal grand jury in a Virginia dog fighting venture.

    At this time, we cannot offer any additional details in order to protect the integrity of this investigation and the ongoing criminal process.

    We have also posted new educational materials on animal cruelty at www.aspca.org/cruelty. We’ll be regularly updating this section, so I hope you will bookmark it and visit often. You will find a wealth of information here on animal cruelty, as well as a look at the reprehensible world of dog fighting.

    Thank you very much for your support of the ASPCA. It is what enables us to pursue our 141-year-old mission, which is as crucial today as when we were founded in 1866—to provide effective means for the prevention of cruelty to animals. Every day, we come one step closer to being a humane community. We could not do it without you.


    Ed Sayres
    President and CEO


    PLEASE consider supporting the ASPCA, there are ways to support them other than finacially, vist their website www.aspca.org for more info.

  • Survey - Michael Vick Indictment

    Over 28,000 people have already voted and I think if we all vote this
    can have a serious impact on the behavior of players, the NFL and the
    sponsors. So, please take a moment to do this!

    They have got to be told this is unacceptable.

    Please vote and pass on immediately

  • Before donating to any group… make sure that you understand what their mission is... for example HSUS was pro California AB1634 and made no bones about it... and now they are trying to get donations that they claim would be for these dogs... however, in small print it states "The money you donate may not be used on this cause"....

  • Very good advice.
    I was more interested in the survey then promoting the $$$.
    So, did the California AB1634 fail?
    I thought it did…

  • @sharronhurlbut:

    Very good advice.
    I was more interested in the survey then promoting the $$$.
    So, did the California AB1634 fail?
    I thought it did…

    It did not fail, it was pull from the committee to be presented at the next session, January 2008

  • Here is another site to visit. They are working to make this "sport" end.


  • I received an e-mail regarding this:

    July 25, 2007 - Dogs Deserve Better, a national nonprofit working to end the suffering endured by dogs kept chained or penned for life, announced today that the group will join the Virginia Voters for Animal Welfare in a rally at the Thursday court appearance for Michael Vick in Richmond, Virginia.

    Tammy Grimes, founder of the organization, will make the trip to Richmond for the 3:00 p.m. rally. "This case is too crucial for those of us who fight for humane treatment for dogs to miss, and I implore all those who are in agreement to make the trip. Dog fighting takes our issue to the utmost levels of cruelty imaginable; not only are the dogs short-chained on thick logging chains to build their muscles and frustration, but they are then subjected to horrendous deaths for the enjoyment of sick individuals.

    As a rescuer, I've seen my share of unintended dog fights, and I know many rescuers (including myself), who have been bitten trying to break up a fight between two dogs who take a dislike to one another. Those brief moments before you stop the struggle are absolutely terrifying-I cannot imagine actually WANTING dogs to fight, much less allowing it to continue to the death.

    While in New Orleans after Katrina, a well-meaning individual put a pit covered in scars into the doggie play area…It took 7 people to pry the trained fighter off the old, shaggy dog; his screams filled the air for what seemed like hours. I will never forget the distress of all those in attendance, all those who cared enough about both dogs to put a stop to the attack.

    I implore dog lovers the world over to help us finally end this intensely cruel practice."

    Attendees to the rally are asked to meet at 9th and Bank Streets, and wear black business attire in remembrance of the fighting dogs of Surry County. Members of Virginia's General Assembly have been invited, and further information can be obtained from DDB/VVAW member Lisa Hetrick at 804-306-0418.

    Dogs Deserve Better (www.dogsdeservebetter.org) is a 501c3 nonprofit organization headquartered in Tipton, Pennsylvania, is the 2003 First Place Winner of the ASPCA Pet Protector Award, and currently has over 150 area reps in 38 states as well as in Canada and France.

    To read Dogs Deserve Better's statement on Michael Vick and dogfighting, go to http://www.dogsdeservebetter.org/michaelvickdogfighting.html.

    To read the wrapup of the Unchain the 50 campaign, go to http://www.dogsdeservebetter.org/chainoff2007wrap.html.

    To read founder Tammy Grimes 'Diary of a Woman (and Friends) Chained 3", go to http://www.dogsdeservebetter.org/diarychained3.html.

    Dogs Deserve Better (www.dogsdeservebetter.org) is a 501c3 nonprofit organization headquartered in Tipton, Pennsylvania, is the 2003 First Place Winner of the ASPCA Pet Protector Award, and currently has over 150 area reps in 38 states as well as in Canada and France

  • We Did It! Nike Drops Vick
    Dear Mary,
    I know you heard from me earlier today or yesterday, but I wanted you to be one of the first to know: Nike announced today that it has suspended Michael Vick's contract without pay and will stop selling all Vick-related products at its stores.
    This is a big victory, one that simply would not have happened without your action and those of more than 165,000 others.
    As you know, the allegations against Michael Vick are so serious and disturbing that The Humane Society of the United called on his corporate backers to end their commercial relationships with the star player. I’m so pleased that Nike has signaled it has a zero tolerance policy for athletes who may be involved with staged animal fights and other forms of malicious animal cruelty.

    Nike's statement reads as follows:

    “Nike has suspended Michael Vick’s contract without pay, and will not sell any more Michael Vick product at Nike owned retail at this time. As we’ve said before, Nike is concerned by the serious and highly disturbing allegations made against Michael Vick and we consider any cruelty to animals inhumane and abhorrent. However, we do believe that Michael Vick should be afforded the same due process as any citizen in the United States, therefore, we have not terminated our relationship.”
    Also today, Reebok agreed to stop selling Michael Vick-branded products. The company does not have a contract with Vick but has an official relationship with the NFL to sell its merchandise.
    Thank you again for all you do for animals.


    Wayne Pacelle
    President & CEO
    The Humane Society of the United States

  • GOOD!! I don't get why some people are so unimaginably cruel. They don't deserve to be called people. They are lost satans in wait for hell's fire. Good for nothing!! That's all I can say, the rest is unspeakable! :mad:

  • Yes, he seems to have no heart, or compassion, so I guess hitting him in his pocket book will probably get his attention.
    I saw he say to a reported when he was walking away…"don't matter what I done, someone will want me to play!".
    I so hope he is wrong.

  • Upper Deck pulls Vick items from online store, will spike card from packs

    July 28, 2007

    CARLSBAD, Calif. (AP) – Upper Deck has removed all Michael Vick autographed memorabilia from its online store and will remove the indicted quarterback's trading card from NFL sets that are scheduled to be released in October.

    The announcement by the San Diego County company came a day after Nike suspended its lucrative contract with Vick and Reebok took the unprecedented step of stopping sales of his No. 7 jersey. Another trading card company, Donruss, announced it was pulling Vick's likeness from any new packs.


    "Of course we appreciate the fact that Mr. Vick is innocent until proven guilty, but the allegations alone have resulted in an outpouring of very strong emotion within our organization and among the collecting community," Kerri Stockholm, Upper Deck's director of marketing, said in a statement. "We believe collectors will agree and support this decision as being the best course of action for our football business."

    Items pulled from the online store include autographed footballs, helmets, jerseys and the company's line of "Breaking Through" pieces. His card will be pulled beginning with the Ultimate Collection Football set.

    The latest hit to Vick came two days after the Atlanta Falcons quarterback pleaded not guilty to federal dogfighting charges in Richmond, Va. In the indictment, he was accused of sponsoring a gruesome operation that often shot, hanged, drowned or electrocuted losing dogs.

  • Wonderful…hope the lawyers he have take all his funds.
    Can't be cheap, having that many folks to put "spin" on this.
    Wonder if they will blame the dogs...like often they blame the human victims.

  • RICHMOND, Virginia (CNN) – One of the co-defendants in the Michael Vick federal dogfighting case pleaded guilty on Monday and pledged to fully cooperate with prosecutors.

    Tony Taylor walks into the federal courthouse in Richmond, Virginia, to enter his guilty plea.

    1 of 2 Tony Taylor, 34, of Hampton, Virginia, entered the guilty plea in U.S. District Court in Richmond. He will be sentenced December 14.

    Taylor, along with Vick and two other co-defendants, had pleaded not guilty Thursday before U.S. District Judge Henry E. Hudson.

    In changing his plea to guilty, Taylor waived his right to appeal. He told the judge that he understands he is now a convicted felon.

    It is widely believed that Taylor's plea, which had been expected, and his future cooperation could hurt Vick and help the government prove its case against the Atlanta Falcons' star quarterback.

    The president the Atlanta chapter of the NAACP criticized the prosecution of Vick at a news conference Monday morning. Dr. R.L. White, Jr., accused the government of "piling on."

    "There's a penalty in football for piling on," White told reporters. "After a player has been tackled and somebody piles on, they're penalized for unnecessary roughness. Today, the NAACP blows the whistle and warns the powers that be that you are piling on." Watch White caution the public to keep an open mind »

    Along with Vick, Purnell Peace, 35, of Virginia Beach, and Quanis Phillips, 28, of Atlanta, Georgia, are scheduled to stand trial on November 26.

    They were charged by a federal grand jury last week with organizing bloody and vicious dogfights on a piece of property that Vick bought in 2001. They also are accused of transporting and delivering dogs across state lines.

    The indictment says Taylor discovered the site that became the Bad Newz Kennels -- the staging area for housing and training the pit bulls and hosting dog fights.

    Prosecutors also accuse Taylor of helping to buy pit bulldogs and puppies, and of executing at least two dogs "who did not perform well in 'testing' sessions ... by shooting one dog and electrocuting the other."

    If the men are convicted on both portions of the conspiracy charge, they each could be sentenced to up to six years in prison and fined $350,000, prosecutors said.

    The indictment says dogs that didn't show enough fighting spirit or lost matches also were put to death by drowning and hanging.

    Prosecutors allege that on one occasion earlier this year, Vick participated in killing eight dogs.

    Vick is one of pro football's highest-profile and highest-paid players, signing a 10-year, $130 million contract with the Falcons in 2004. He was a standout at Virginia Tech and the first player chosen in the 2001 NFL draft.

  • @jenwilson:

    RICHMOND, Virginia (CNN) – One of the co-defendants in the Michael Vick federal dogfighting case pleaded guilty on Monday and pledged to fully cooperate with prosecutors.

    that's not good for the defense!:eek:


  • <>
    As disgusting as dog fighting is, and it IS disgusting...I find the above to be the MOST heinous aspect of the whole sport/industry. It is UNSPEAKABLY cruel, and unbelievably disrespectful to all life. IMO it clearly speaks to humans with deep, deep psychological problem taking their anger out on what they perceive as the weak and meek.
    Personally, I think professional athlete found guilty of being involved in dog fighting should be stripped of their options to play, period. Somewhere, sometime, someone has to put their foot down with these billionaire primadonnas, and say 'no that is illegal, immoral, unethical and wrong, and we won't tolerate it'.....draw your line wherever you want, I mean, you have a lot of choices gambling, gang violence, drugs....but at what point do we decide enough is enough?

  • Andrea, I so agree.
    So many folks think that having $$$ of power gives them a right to do whatever they wish.
    I so hope this is a wake up call for some of these hoods.
    This might not give him a heart or compassion, but it won't reward him with a fat wallet.

  • @sharronhurlbut:

    Andrea, I so agree.
    So many folks think that having $$$ of power gives them a right to do whatever they wish.
    I so hope this is a wake up call for some of these hoods.
    This might not give him a heart or compassion, but it won't reward him with a fat wallet.

    Watching the news this weekend, I seen an individual actually defending the sport and she claimed to be a breeder….....yikes! She said she enjoyed watching them do what they where bred for.........I don't know much about Pit bulls, but weren't they a bull herding dog?

    It is a horrible thing to see, I can't even watch the sanitized clips they show on the news.
    Money does make some people really stupid, my guess is this guy wasn't that bright from the start!

  • I went to as HSUS 3 day weekend dealing with pit fighting.
    Most of the filming, I couldn't watch, and when I did, I just sobbed.
    These poor dogs are just treated so very badly.
    I won't even share what they do to them as puppies to "toughin" them up.
    Sick folks this group!
    No excuse for abuse.
    In my eyes, this is abuse of the worst kind.

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