• This on CNN:
    The Humane Society of the United States has said Vick offered to work with the organization on anti-dog fighting campaigns. Wayne Pacelle, the organization's president, has said Vick was to work on programs aimed at preventing youths from getting involved in dog fighting and on programs to assist youths who have been involved.
    We'll see how much work he does on this. I want to see his actions.

  • I can't believe Vick would have offered to work for any Humane Society had it not been court ordered.

    I wish there was a stipulation in his court orders or his NFL contract that made him pay the HSofA a BIG chunk of his football salary for someone reputable and truly compassionate to do an anti-dog fighting campaign.

    He may have been in Chicago "doing his time" for parole, but this is what one radio station said…."Sure, sure, let him play in the NFL. Just give him the same treatment he gave his dogs. First time he loses....shoot him!!"

    The man is a turd floating in the human gene pool. Where's Darwin when you need him?

    Sorry if I offended anyone other than Vick. I HATE abusers.

  • @dash:

    I am not quite sure why he can't go back to his job? He did his time. He should never be allowed to own a dog again, but he should be able to work. If you don't want to support the team, that is your choice, but trying to keep someone from supporting themself is really unfair. I do not agree, sympothize with what he did at all, but he went to jail, served his time. Murders of any kind have the option to go back to work after their jail time, why would he be any different?

    I agree with Dash. Yes what Michael Vick did was wrong, but he has judged, sentenced and served his time. He is also still performing community service by talking to kids about NOT getting involved with dog fighting. Football is his job just like being a Project Manager, Cashier or Engineer may be some of yours; if you were arrested for something not related to your job, it would not be fair to keep you from returning to your profession once your sentence has been served.

    I don't think that anyone will forget what he has done, I will be shocked if he does get any endorsements from Coke, Nike, etc. because they will not want to promote his negative background.

    Since I live in the area where he grew up and close to where this happened it is frustrating to see in interviews that he blames it on local Newport News police that he got into dog fighting because they never stopped it when they saw it happening as he was a kid growing up. That makes me wonder if he really is remorseful for what he has done or is he remorseful for getting caught?

    His brother Marcus is a mess too, he threw away a wonderful career in professional football because he got into trouble with the law early and never had the chance to play. From what the news channels say he was an incredible ball player but I think his problems were more to do with illegal gun activity.

  • Let me ask you this. If you were sent to jail, came out a convicted felon, could YOU go to a job where you made a Million or more bucks?? Could most of us. Heavens, could you even go back to the regular job you had before you when to jail..I don't think so!
    NO, why, because felons are criminals. They SHOULD be able to work, but make a million, nope. Those of you who are so willing to forgive, do you remember how Vick hung dogs up from trees and gave his buddies baseball bats and let them beat the dogs to death. No really! that's ok, to be forgiven. NO way, this is just a small horror of what he did. I can post more..and its ALL FACT.
    PLEASE!!!!!!!!! its horrific what he did it and allowed to happen.
    He served his time, ok, let him get a JOB, not a TV roll model for kids growing up.

  • Hey, thought this was a great way to get help for dogs in need. What a positive way to help.


  • Great article!

  • Houston

    Very cool, what a great cause. I will have to check into that for sure..Shoot I even donate food on my own to see Vick get bet up..I mean getting tackled..

  • That is a great article and good cause.

    Rita Jean

  • Great cause and I may support it BUT, giving this piece of $#it called Michael Vick any media attention, in any way, turns my stomach.

    He's a flagrant violator of not only local laws, but the laws of human kindness; he abused, tortured, and brutalized his dogs. Killed the "non-performers" in horrific ways, and he now stands to make hundreds of thousands of dollars not only as a player, but a roll model for our kids.

    DISGUSTING!!! The NFL is supporting this a$$hole by providing him a platform and a job. DISGUSTING!!! Shame on the NFL.:mad::mad::mad:

  • Houston

    Great cause and I may support it BUT, giving this piece of $#it called Michael Vick any media attention, in any way, turns my stomach.

    He's a flagrant violator of not only local laws, but the laws of human kindness; he abused, tortured, and brutalized his dogs. Killed the "non-performers" in horrific ways, and he now stands to make hundreds of thousands of dollars not only as a player, but a roll model for our kids.

    DISGUSTING!!! The NFL is supporting this a$$hole by providing him a platform and a job. DISGUSTING!!! Shame on the NFL.

    Ditto, Ditto, Ditto..

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