• Sahara hates wet grass and when I take her out to potty in the mornings she has a fit. I have to chase her down to get her leash on and then pull her to go in the grass. There has been about 4 times lately she has peed in the living room on my nice rug. I soak up the urine and then spray with a neutralizing spray and still I discover the wet carpet. I don't know what to do at this point, I have to leave early for work. We have a doggie door and she has regressed lately with going outside to do her morning pee. I think she might reacting to the fact that I now work during the day, I use to work nights. Any suggestions, this morning I took her out and had a special treat in my pocket, as soon as she peed I gave her the treat. She takes forever to go now, she use to be fast as a speeding bullet!!!!!:eek:

  • IMO - You already nailed down the problem. Sahara needs to be retrained with your new schedule. She will eventually get used to going on wet grass due to morning dew, but keep up the rewards with the "special treats". Because of our morning schedule, both of mine haven't had an option to go out later in the morning. AND, after they go out and pee, I feed them their morning breakfast. I think mine relate going outside first to their breakfast second. (They always go outside a second time after being fed for 10-15 minutes and they usually poop then too). Try to get Sahara's feeding (reward) with your new routine. She is soooo smart and will catch on if you are consistent. I always talk to my dogs. I say "Let's go outside kids!" "Go potty" "Go Poop" I really think they know what I am saying to them. (knock-on-wood)

  • All ours hate the wet grass, though our two 6 year olds have gotten used to it and will go even if they do try in vain to hold at lest one foot up at all times. 😉

    Our puppy who is now about 14 weeks old has had some issues, especially since this time of year with the humidity, the grass is almost always wet from dew in the morning. After seeing her go in the garden area ( aplace she is normally blocked frmo by a gate) which has pea gravel, we put in some pea gravel in an area between our deck and where the trash can goes and she has been using that when the grass is wet, so you might try that.

  • The pea gravel is a great idea. Athena is the same with wet grass, but since we are in the Pacific Northwest she has to face it often! We have an area that has beauty bark on it (we intended to do a planting but didn't get to it) and she will go there if it's wet.

    Or on the carport slab if I am not paying attention, LOL. I am going to make her a winter potty area with bark over the summer. Maybe a nice shrubbery and a fountain too. (kidding!)

  • Sahara knows what to do, I always say to her, "Go Potty, Be a Good Girl!!! She looks at me like as if to say, "You gotta be kidding, get my sweet paws wet, out of the question"! I use to just let her out the front door and she would got immediately to the grass and pee, now she won't !!!!! It is becoming a tug of war, I will carry her out on the leash and she will try to get to the front of the house, so she can stand on the sidewalk, or pull to get to her doggie door. I didn't have time to take her out this morning, have to get up earlier to do this. I didn't find any wet carpet today so I guess she went outside. The saga continues, these Basenjis are strange creatures!!!!! Thanks for your suggestions, I will try them!!!!!

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