Help! Fiber Capsules
Thanks! Looks like everybody agrees with your answers. I ran up to the drug store to get fresh HP and talk to pharmacist. He didn't believe I needed to make her vomit either. I called poison control and they said not necessary either. He also said if I did to give her 2 tbls of HP. They also told me if she did swollow the capsules, I could expect diarea. Thank goodness it was only fiber.
Big Sigh! Daisy has been surfing everything lately. I do believe she's bulking up some muscle now at 6 mos. We are at the point where I can't leave anything out. I am beginning to understand now when some of you who've said that things have to be put high up on shelves or locked in cabinets. Honestly, Duke could jump up and over anything, but he doesn't and I never really worried about this with him. But Daisy does - so next steps are to thoroughly child proof office, kitchen counters and everything else!
I do hope everyone puts their meds up and away. I am so glad that all I had out were the fiber caps.
Good advice, but as you know, "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make 'em drink." LOL - How do you make them drink? The water bowl is full. :)
If Duke likes veggies, boil some potatoes, cabbage, or whatever you have. Let the water cool then see if the dog will drink it. Mine LOVE it!
If you have a bit of chicken or a beef bone, make some homemade broth and see if Duke will drink it.
Or you could add a few drops of canned chicken or beef broth to water. Not too much though as it is usually too salty.
Sometimes you will get better results if you use a different container than the regular water bowl for this. If the dog thinks it is "forbidden" they seem more interested.
Well how creative!! Duh - why didn't I think of that? Flavoring their water. Good to know - Thanks Robyn!
Daisy had a normal poop today, so I probably found her in the act just in time. I tell ya! She is like waiting for me to be distracted so she can execute her next plan! Even when I'm on this computer, I have to get up several times because I hear her into something - a slipper, newspaper, whatever else I may have missed getting out of her range. Like a child, if it shouldn't be there, they will find it! We're going for an afternood romp today, that should make her happy and tired.
Glad to hear all is well…, Get some rest, Mom!;)