• Hard to tell from this view but I think she looks about 1 pound or so overweight. Look down on her from above - you should see a clear waist and be able to see that there are ribs - if you run your hand down her side you should feel the ribs - without too much fat on it. If you have to work to feel the ribs she is overweight.

  • @Jodie:

    Here is a recent pic of Lillie. Does she look overweight to you? I have been feeding her smaller amounts and see a slight difference in her bowel movements. I'll keep you posted. Hope it works!
    Thanks again for all your help.

    She is not "under weight" that is for sure… I would not say that she is fat, but I would say she is a pound or two over what she should be. (In my opinion)... I really think that she is having problems with her bowels because she might be getting too much food and she is not "getting" any use out of it...

  • are you saying 1/2 cup a day of the high protein/low carb food like EVO? or is it 1/2 cup twice a day? thanks

  • If our dogs get too much canned food, loose stool is always the result. Too much dry, then its constipation. Mixing the dry with a spoonful of canned works well for us. Also, you may wanna try dry food and some canned pumpkin. Good luck

  • Whatever is going on, I think is new as I haven't noticed any odd behavior {lethargy, lack of appetite, etc}, but today I went out to pick up the yard and there were some piles of pale, very soft poop. Now, it has been POURING rain since last night, so I attributed the softness to the rain. But tonight Keoki picked at his dinner and didn't finish it – usually he is leaping, jumping , having fits until the bowl is put down and then he devours it -- and immediately wanted out side. He RAN off the porch out into the pouring rain {very unusual}, so I watched and from the porch I could see that he had VERY loose stools. I went out and checked, they were very pale but not bloody.

    I gave him maybe 1/3 cup of pumpkin about 1/2 hour ago, which he ate up -- but he also just threw it {and his dinner} up.

    So... now what?

  • If he refuses two meals, I would get him to the vet. Or if his behavior changes dramatically. Often if a dog just has a little stomach bug, they will refuse a meal, or throw up a meal. But if my dogs skip two meals, I take it seriously.

    My immediate concern with vomitting and food refusal is intestinal blockage….could he have consumed anything wierd lately?

    The pale feces is kinda wierd. I would definitely keep a CLOSE eye on him...particularly with all the wierd food scares lately. You saw the warning about all chicken jerky treats, right?

  • @Quercus:

    If he refuses two meals, I would get him to the vet. Or if his behavior changes dramatically. Often if a dog just has a little stomach bug, they will refuse a meal, or throw up a meal. But if my dogs skip two meals, I take it seriously.

    My immediate concern with vomitting and food refusal is intestinal blockage….could he have consumed anything wierd lately?

    The pale feces is kinda wierd. I would definitely keep a CLOSE eye on him...particularly with all the wierd food scares lately. You saw the warning about all chicken jerky treats, right?

    Ugh, what a night. I was sure I was going to be heading to the vet this morning. Keoki was up whining all night. Had to go potty several times. Threw up {large quantities} at least three times – once all OVER carpet and even the wall -- it was a long night for both of us. There was something in the vomit; I couldn't quite identify it; chunks of white stuff that was softer and brown harder chunks, plus something that may have been fabric or cardboard.
    I have NO clue what he got into; nothing is missing that I am aware of.

    Anyway, this morning his mood was good so we gave him about 1/3 his usual breakfast and he ate it with enthusiam. It's been about an hour and he's kept it down. He has not had a bowel movement yet, but it is pouring rain and so he may be holding for a while. At least he's not rushing out in a panic. I am hopeful that whatever the problem was, has taken care of itself.

    Anything I may be missing? Or do you think we're good to go as long as I watch him closely for other signs of trouble?

  • I *think you should be okay if you really watch closely. If he did eat a quantity of cardboard, it can definitely make a blockage. If he is pooping, eating, and acting normally, chances are he will be fine…but if any of those things are off, I would get him in. Whatever goes in needs to come out in approximately the same quantity, or he might have a partial blockage.

    I hope things get better very soon! 🙂

  • @Quercus:

    I *think you should be okay if you really watch closely. If he did eat a quantity of cardboard, it can definitely make a blockage. If he is pooping, eating, and acting normally, chances are he will be fine…but if any of those things are off, I would get him in. Whatever goes in needs to come out in approximately the same quantity, or he might have a partial blockage.

    I hope things get better very soon! 🙂

    And also important that he is drinking normal amounts of water

  • @tanza:

    And also important that he is drinking normal amounts of water

    Good point….

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