Hello from Taipei, Taiwan!
So the breeder got back to me and it turns out he kept all three of her siblings for himself! I guess that's a good thing? I got the pick of the litter LOL
Here are Roux's siblings:
He said he's only got the parents', and not their siblings' information, but he'll email their breeders about that. He'll get back to me with photos of the parents when he gets back to his computer :)
I searched for Roux and she's on there! This is so cool! I need to pose her very professionally for her database picture :grinning_squinting_face: -
replied to Roux on last edited by
@roux said in Hello from Taipei, Taiwan!:
LOL you know I only realized what's going on in the photo when I saw it blown up on this much bigger screen! HAHAHA so sorry I subjected y'all to that!
I'll see what I can get from the breeder! :DMany of us have witnessed this in real life. First time I've seen a photo of it. :rolling_on_the_floor_laughing:
replied to senjisilly on last edited by
LOL I'm so sorry I accidentally posted dog porn! Man I think I might need glasses XD -
Thank you very much for these, Michelle, but I think it fairer to Forums to move on to private email. Please could you send any further data (and I hope there will be lots over time !) to me to my email address ?
sallypwallis@gmail.com -
@roux Not a question of etiquette ! Just that I have long since learned that (sadly !) 99% of forum members are not interested in pedigree data and I hesitate to bore them, beyond my normal pleas for names and parentage when a new Basenji is introduced. Which, also sadly, fall on deaf ears most of the time :crying_face:
@zande Totally agree Zande, there are many for whatever reasons will not show the breeding on their pups... this is a shame because it is important that the pedigree site that Zande does is complete... helps everyone... and yes many times it falls on deaf ears....
replied to Zande on last edited by
@zande said in Hello from Taipei, Taiwan!:
@roux Not a question of etiquette ! Just that I have long since learned that (sadly !) 99% of forum members are not interested in pedigree data and I hesitate to bore them, beyond my normal pleas for names and parentage when a new Basenji is introduced. Which, also sadly, fall on deaf ears most of the time :crying_face:
I wish I had an answer for you, Sally. Keeping track of lineage is a HUGE advantage for any breed. I've never met a responsible breeder who doesn't refer to pedigrees when making mating choices. I don't see myself as an owner of a Basenji. I see myself as a custodian of the breed. Part of that is to help keep the breed pure and healthy. Pedigrees and firsthand knowledge passed on by longtime breeders is key to achieving breed conservation.
I guess I can understand why breeding info might not be important to an owner of a neutered pet, but I can't for the life of me understand why any responsible Basenji breeder would ever refuse to contribute to your Basenji pedigree database. Is what it is I guess. Happy to see that you have Sparkle's litter in there now! YAY! :beaming_face_with_smiling_eyes:
replied to JENGOSMonkey on last edited by Zande
@jengosmonkey said in Hello from Taipei, Taiwan!:
I see myself as a custodian of the breed. Part of that is to help keep the breed pure and healthy.Exactly. We are the custodians of this ancient breed and I hate it that, on my watch, so to speak, people have been jumping on the pandemic band wagon and breeding indiscriminately just to make money.
Over here we have seen imported dogs paired without thought of health checks and puppies offered for £2500 whereas reputable breeders only expect £1500.
One 'breeder' has had two litters, totalling 12 puppies and of those, at least 5 have been through rescue. No support or back-up to new owners and no thought to whether a Basenji is the right dog for that person.
Actually though, I do get litter details from reputable breeders around the world. It is the puppy farmers and 'one-off' litters which escape me. I do try to get individual dogs full registered names from Forum members because often I can obtain siblings. Sometimes we are lucky and the pups are already in the d/b. Like Sparkle's ! Stella sent me those a few days back. Not sure, and no time to look now, if we have photos of Logan and Sparkle. If not, PLEASE ???
@zande - Another thing Zande, is that many pet owners do not see a reason to register their dogs. Most all responsible breeders now days register their pups for the new owners. Responsible breeders pick out the registered names with the new owners, of course the call name is up to new owners. Many of the BYB breeders or less than responsible breeders don't even give owners their papers or even a pedigree for that matter.
@tanza said in Hello from Taipei, Taiwan!:
Many of the BYB breeders or less than responsible breeders don't even give owners their papers or even a pedigree for that matter.
In Canada it is illegal to withhold papers on a purebred dog. " Canadian law dictates that if a dog is sold as a purebred, registration papers must be provided, and the breeder must provide them at no additional cost. It is illegal to sell a purebred dog without papers." Link
replied to Zande on last edited by
@zande said in Hello from Taipei, Taiwan!:
Over here we have seen imported dogs paired without thought of health checks and puppies offered for £2500 whereas reputable breeders only expect £1500.One 'breeder' has had two litters, totalling 12 puppies and of those, at least 5 have been through rescue. No support or back-up to new owners and no thought to whether a Basenji is the right dog for that person.
Actually though, I do get litter details from reputable breeders around the world. It is the puppy farmers and 'one-off' litters which escape me.
If there's a dollar or a pound to be made... people will find a way. Just focus on the mechanics of popping out puppies without regard to the history, strengths and weaknesses of the breed. Pay no attention to the decades of effort that went into preserving the breed, eliminating in-breeding and disease. Naw, just keep your costs down and prices high. Hey, you can drive cost down even further by eliminating customer service entirely.
It's easy to spot a responsible breeder. They are the ones that guard the gate to the breed. Anyway, yes.. you have pictures of both Logan and Sparkle in the DB. :beaming_face_with_smiling_eyes: :thumbs_up:
@eeeefarm - People just sell without papers.... or pet people have no idea that there are laws in some countries or required practice.... in the end Puppy Mills/BYB don't care about papers either, so even if the give papers there is no real way of verifying if the sire/dam listed are the real ones. Sorry to say.... And many of the PM/BYB just go to these fake registries.... and pass off the pups as "registered".... Especially PM's and BYB's as there is a requirement by AKC that DNA parent testing for a sire that has sire X amount of pups much be DNA tested for any future litters sired. Extra cost reduces their profit and that is what they are in business for, to make money, same with health testing.